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Hey everyone! Gonna be just a text update this time, but despite that we had a very productive week!

For starters, boss 3 is now pretty much finished! All of her animations have been completed and implemented, her attacks were given the proper effects, and it's all looking pretty great. The only thing missing from her right now are voice clips and sound effects. The voice clips won't be coming this update, but the sound effects will hopefully be finished and implemented before the update goes live. It took a bit longer to finish the boss 3 rework than I would've liked, but I'm still happy with how fast the new fight came together! Orexius did a killer job on the animations and added some great little details that really add a lot of life to her movements.

I also "finished" the cutscene viewer this week - and by that, I mean it's functionally complete, but only with Lucas and Verreda's H-scene cutscene. There's still a few minor visual issues involving the menu that I want to fix before the update is released, but even if it were to come out now, the cutscene itself works great. The groundwork has also been laid for implementing future cutscenes, so doing it should be pretty easy in the future, too!

Another thing that got done this week was implementing the dialogue I wrote. Most of the conversations are still missing voiceover, but they're all functionally implemented, so it'll be as simple as dropping the voice clips in once our cast is finished recording. I do want to note again, however, that some of the lines may be unvoiced due to one of our actors getting sick, so don't be surprised if any of the conversations are partially silent.

Aside from those three major things, I also fixed a good handful of smaller issues this week, like adding button prompts to the in-game H-scene gallery, since a lot of people didn't realize you could watch BE/group scenes in there. I've also implemented recolored versions of the Warped Scientists that hit harder than their early-game counterparts, so they'll be populating the later areas of the game.

Red was able to join us for two of our three streams this week, as well! He's working on the reworked Warped Sentry CG, and you should really come check out the streams sometime to see how it's going, if you haven't already! It's looking reeeeal good. Hopefully it will be ready in time for the release of v0.43!

And that's all for the weekly update this week! I'm definitely getting back into the swing of things, which feels great. Streams are a big help for my productivity, so I'll definitely be sticking to them more going forward. The rest of the update will be my personal health/fitness update I've started doing, so if you don't care to read that, feel free to stop here, and thanks for reading the update!

Exercise this week went pretty good! I'm finally starting to see some slight improvement in my stamina; our household (me, puffernutter, and orexius) are all working out together to try and improve our health, and I've been seriously lagging behind the other two, probably because of just how long I've been out of shape. I pushed myself harder this week - maybe a little too hard, given how sore I was a few days ago lmao - and I managed to reach a new length of double my previous times. It's still not very long at all, frankly, but it's a great step in the right direction! I'm feeling the most optimistic I've felt in a long time, regarding my ability to get my health back on track, and that's something to be proud of.

I hope any of you that are trying to make a positive change are doing well, whether it's health, creativity, or anything else! Keep it up, and remember to be proud of yourself for making an effort, even if you can't push as far or as fast as other people you know. It's not a race, we'll all get there eventually; what matters is that you never give up!

Best of luck to everyone reading this, and thank you for reading the update!



Hope your VO Artist gets better soon! Very glad to hear you are improving personally as well, self care is critical in these tough times (and always to be honest)! Thanks for the great updates and cant wait for 0.43~! (hot tea with peppermint oil to relax along with a peppermint oil laced hot bath always help with my sore muscles/joints from a serious back injury, something similar might be worth using to recoup after working out!)

A Grumpy Bear

Keep up the great work! And just remember that it does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop!


glad to hear about the progress. and yours! nutrition is the key to success!