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Hey everyone, this is just a short little poll for something I've been thinking on for a bit. 2020 was an exceptionally horrible year, and lots of people are suffering both financially and otherwise - there's not much I can do on a grand scale to help with that, but I want to give back in some way if I can, so I've been thinking about temporarily releasing Crisis Point: Extinction v0.41 or v0.42 for everyone to download, free of charge. It would be a temporary offer, maybe a week long, and after that the free download would be taken down - so this would NOT become our new public demo or anything.

I wanted to hold this poll before doing so, to get permission from you guys. Since you're the ones paying us money for access to these builds, I don't think it's right to give it away to others without first getting your input. So, are you okay with us temporarily giving away Crisis Point v0.41 or v0.42, as a way to give back to everybody that's struggling this year? If you think a specific version makes more sense, please leave your thoughts in the comments; this poll will end on the 1st, as that's the day I'd like to put the download up. Sorry it's a bit short notice, but thank you for taking the time to answer!



If there’s a site or method to see how many hits/downloads you get from it, it could be an interesting way to gauge interest. It could also potentially encourage more people to support you with seeing what the games progress is. Ultimately I will respect your decision on the matter, as I can see valid reasons for both sides.

Kayin Sparkle Twilight Dreemurr

Its a nice thing to do certainly. As for which version, I'd suggest whichever one is more stable at the current moment.


i went through .42 all the way and its running exceptionally well all around and i feel that would be the better one to release as a way of giving back.

Some Guy

Shoutouts to the other 25 people that said yes (as of this comment). Releasing a patreon build to the public doesn't diminish the perk for us. Go for it. Make it a month even. It won't hurt us, and might get the project more exposure.


Share the lewd, share the love.


I would also consider offering a release somewhere in-between the public version and the $10 version to the $5 patrons. 😁


I love how no one has voted no.


Go for it. I can't speak for everyone, but at the same time, I'm pretty confident all of us have been supporting you not for the privileges, but for the hopes of seeing your project succeed. So don't think for a second you'll be stepping on anyone's toes with a generous free download, quite the opposite.


You can share this when ever you want, i don't mind at all. Besides its a product so it needs to be advertised to anyone that has interest in 18+ games. Spread the love :)


I'd say absolutely, go for it, like the others here. It could even draw folks in for heting more patrons in the long term, possibly. I know I ended up joining when it was in one of those bit bundles afew times.


100%,that's cool


I'd be cool with even making it permanently available if you wanted to. Could help bring in more people and would be a more accurate demo.


I love this idea! I even agree that if this version were made permanently available, there can only be benefits from the act. Give 2020 the ole middle finger!


I'm cool with making it permanently available too. I can't speak for everyone, but I view my investment as just that: an investment to make the game succeed. The early access is just a bonus. And with 2020 being the crapfest it was, I think everyone deserves some goodwill. So rock on for thinking of this!

Broderick Black

This can expose the game to a demographic not reached before and show off your art and talent of the project such as the fantastic level design

Jefferson R Boydston

I know that I wouldn't have found out about this project if I hadn't stumbled upon it on a free gaming platform.


Kinda heartwarming to see this poll was 100% yes. Feels good man.


It really is! I don't know what I was expecting when I made this poll, but it absolutely wasn't a clean sweep like this. You all are unbelievably generous and kind, absolutely blew me away and I'm so proud to have you guys in this community! I'm working on figuring out how to best deliver the update, and I should be putting it out in the next few days hopefully!