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Hey everybody! There won't be any visuals for this week's update, apologies in advance.

I spent the majority of my time this week working on Boss 3, which is coming along very nicely. All of her new animations are missing, so it's just programmer art right now (hence why I'm not showing any visuals), but the programming is going well; it's at the point now where most of her attacks are implemented, so I can test the flow of the fight, and I'm very happy with the way it feels! It's much faster paced than the old fight; the boss doesn't spend so much time moving between points and instead goes straight into her attacks, and she has a nicer variety of attacks as well, so the fight is much more dynamic. There's also a few ways to stun the boss for some openings if you're clever enough to find them, but I won't be sharing them here - you'll have to find 'em yourself ;)

I'm still debating whether or not to use this new fight or leave in the old fight, if her new animations aren't complete by the time v0.42 comes out. We'll just have to see how things look once it's time for release. I'm hoping we'll be able to put the new fight in, though, it's already a big upgrade in my opinion and I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else thinks.

Aside from that, I filled out some more level designs this week, and Orex has been working on the Lucas+Verreda cutscene H-scene that was never fully finished, so that animation should be completed in v0.42 as well.

Sorry for the text-only update, and for not really streaming this week; like I mentioned last week, this update doesn't have a lot of visual goodies to speak of, so there will probably be more text-only updates in the near future too. As far as streams go, to be honest I just wasn't really feeling up to it this week, so I just worked offline; apologies to anyone who was looking forward to them, hopefully I'll be more up to streaming in the following week. That's all for this week's update, we'll see you in the next one!



Would it be alright to see what the programmer art looks like? I'm insanely curious now.


It's not really interesting or funny to be honest, it's mostly just stuff like boxes with text or scribbled roughs. The bare minimum art for testing, essentially. I'd post it if I thought it was entertaining enough to warrant it :p


Possibly a dumb question, but the 3rd boss is the female soldier with the sniper, right?