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Hey everyone! It's been a while since a weekly update; we took a slightly longer break than usual before starting up v0.42's development, due to some IRL events. Development started up a while ago, though, so we're back to the regular updates!

First up is the gif here, which is a new hazard I worked on this week. The visuals are still very much incomplete, but essentially it's a hazard that warps you back to a certain location (usually the beginning of the room) if you touch it. I've been wanting to add something like this to the game for a while now, for the sake of designing non-deadly challenges. In many cases, you can just tank damage to get past platforming challenges in CPE, so I wanted some way to design platforming challenges that WON'T result in a game over, but also actually require you to platform skillfully to reach the end, and here's the solution! No risk of death since these don't damage you, but the only way to get past it is to complete the challenge. I plan on using them a lot in optional challenge rooms.

Next up, a general status update. We finally finished planning the entirety of the Boss 3 rework this week, so now it's full steam ahead on the assets and implementation. It's definitely more complex than the first two bosses, so while we've had a good idea of what we wanted for the fight for a while, we've still been mulling over some of the particulars, and we've finally arrived at a fight design we're happy with. Orexius will be spending a lot of time this update working on that fight, but we'll still do our best to make sure there's some new H-content too!

..Speaking of H-content, because this is a public post (and thus must remain SFW), I won't be able to post the Kertalus CG teaser here unfortunately. I'll be posting it right after this post, in a Patron-only post, but you'll also be able to find it for free on other places I post updates!

And that's it for this week. Weekly updates will likely be pretty simple for most of this update; a majority of my work is just designing rooms to explore, so there's not a lot to post there, and then the rest of our work this update will be spent on Boss 3. Since Boss 3 has been in the game for a while, I don't mind posting updates on the reworked fight, but we might not have much else to show off visually!

With that said, thank you for reading, and we'll see you in next week's update!


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