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Hey everyone, I've already made statements about this on Discord and Twitter, but for those of you who don't follow me on either of those platforms, I wanted to also make a post about this on Patreon.

I've just now found out that one of the voice actors in Crisis Point, Jordan Bonn (who previously voiced Lucas), has been accused by a number of people of both sexual and non-sexual harassment. Effective immediately, his work is being removed from CPE and I will be recasting the role he played very soon. His actions were outed in June, and I apologize deeply that it took me this long to hear about it - life has been very busy these past few months, and I haven't been using twitter much.

Abuse of any kind is NOT and will NEVER be okay. I sincerely thank everyone who came out with their stories for your bravery, and I hope nothing but the best for his victims in moving forward past it.

In regards to Crisis Point, I've already removed all of his voiced lines from the game, so any spoken dialogue from Lucas is currently silent. I'll be attempting to hire a new actor to replace him as soon as I can, but given the short timeframe I have, it's possible that all of Lucas's lines will be silent in v0.41. I apologize for that, but I thank you for understanding.


Bo Blackstar

This is disheartening news, but I really appreciate your response to it. This decision is very reassuring about the project's integrity and the kind of people we're supporting. Best of luck moving forward.


I'm not intimately familiar with the accusations, but is it really the right response to immediately fire him and remove all of his work due to allegations? Why not wait for the facts to come out?


As I already stated, in this very post, his actions were outed in June. Nearly 3 months have passed, far more than enough time for any facts to come out. Since then, he has completely disappeared off the face of the internet; no more Twitter account, no more Discord, no way for me to get in contact with him even if I wanted to. There is quite literally no room, and no purpose, for disbelieving the victims.