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Hey everybody. Like last week, this is going to be another very short update - sorry about that.

To get the bad news out of the way first, it's extremely likely that either A) the new NPC will not have voice acting yet, or B) the update will be delayed into October after all for the sake of getting her lines recorded. Everything else is proceeding well enough to be released by the end of this month, but the hiring process for a new voice actress has taken a lot longer than I anticipated, and at this point it's almost a guarantee that there just isn't enough time to get lines recorded. The new NPC has almost 600 words worth of spoken dialogue for this update, so it's a hefty amount of recording for the limited time we have left in the month.

If you have a preference on whether I release the update with no voice for her, or delay the update until we can get recordings done, let me know. In the meantime, I'll do my best to try and get it all done as soon as I can, but it's very likely one of the two compromises will have to happen.

Aside from that bad news though, like I said, everything else is proceeding well enough - I've fixed a handful of issues with the new lighting engine; everything else about the new cutscenes is completely done and implemented, so finishing them is just a matter of dropping the new NPC's voiceover into the game once they're done; Kuso is working hard on the Poison Alraune CG (still don't know if it'll be done in time for the update, but hopefully it will be); and I only have a tiny bit of work left to finish making mouse controls happen (for the options menu, not the other menus). That's about all that's left before this update can come out, aside from general bugtesting, so aside from the voice acting we're on track.

That's all I have for this week. Sorry again for the short and uninteresting update, really hoping things go better with recording than I expect so I can get v0.36 in your hands sooner rather than later.


Matthias Zimmermann

I vote B somebody make and A and we just vote via likes^^