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Hey everybody! This week's update is gonna be on the small side, and there are no visuals. To be honest, we kinda blew our load in regards to showing stuff off for this update cycle; most of the stuff we have left to do won't really result in anything fun to show off. Sorry about that.

The majority of what I did this week involved continuing work on the things I've talked about in the past few weeks - implementing mouse support for the menus, fixing more issues with the new lighting engine, and continuing work on the new NPC and cutscenes. Since it's not particularly interesting, I won't get into detail on any of those except to say that they're going well.

Aside from that, I also went ahead and implemented recolor variants on the Warped Sentries, to go along with all the other enemy recolors. I think the majority of enemies have recolors now, so thankfully I'll be done with that before long.

Some of you may have noticed Orex hasn't been streaming lately and that's because he's been working on the NPC animations we need for this update, which are aaaaalmost done! I think I might have mentioned it before, but just to make sure everyone knows, there ARE NO H-SCENES with the new NPC this update. They'll get H-scenes eventually, but not in this update, so please don't expect any - we had our hands full animation-wise with the BE rework, cutscene animations, and finishing the Lurker BE climax scene.

Kuso has been working hard on the next CG rework, which will be for the Warped Soldier paizuri scene this time. I also wrote the outline for the Poison Alraune CG this week, so hopefully if Kuso's work goes smoothly, we should be able to include that CG in this update, too!

Alright, that's about all I have this week. Sorry if the update is disappointing at all, but right now we're mostly just heads down working on things that need to be done, even if they aren't exciting. The rest of this update cycle is likely going to be very similar, but I'll try to at least get you guys some CG previews or something to hopefully keep things a little more interesting. Either way, thank you very much for your patience and support, and I'll see you in next week's update!


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