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Hey everybody! This week's update will be relatively short, I spent most of it talking to voice actresses to try and fill the role of the new NPC being added. I put out some casting calls, and the response has been enormous! I can't overstate how many talented actresses are out there in the NSFW scene; compared to our previous casting calls, it's taken much more time than I expected to talk to every one about CPE and the character, not to mention listening to demo reels and auditions, giving feedback, and more. I'd hire all of them if I could, the amount of talent on display is staggering, but I think we're narrowing down the options and I should be able to hire someone for the character pretty soon. 

That's not all I did though, of course - I also spent some time on a few personal programming ideas I've been wanting to try (which went swimmingly, by the way, and once I get enough time I might be able to use them to upgrade Crisis Point's lighting engine a bit), and as you can see by the gif up above, I also started the process of adding mouse support to Crisis Point's menus! I've wanted to do this for a while, and after getting a comment recently from someone with a non-US keyboard, who had great difficulty rebinding their controls due to the different keyboard layout, I realized how much more important it was than I originally thought. Even though it wasn't in my original plans for v0.36, this update's development has been going well, and I wanted to see if I can squeeze it in - and at the very least, it's fully functional for the main menu, options base menu, and controls menu now! Note that this DOES NOT mean Crisis Point will be getting GAMEPLAY mouse support - I have no plans on adding mouse support to gameplay itself, ONLY menus, as many parts of the gameplay design of Crisis Point (8 directional aiming, no strafing, etc) would fall apart completely with mouse aiming. That being said, hopefully I can get all of the menus fully functional with mouse support by the time this update comes out. It feels pretty great to navigate them this way, not gonna lie!

Alright, that's all I have for you guys this week. Thanks for tuning in, and for continuing to support us! Ever since finishing The Great Rework™ it's really felt like we're picking up the pace, and I can't wait to see where we end up!



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