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Hey everybody! Sorry for not updating yesterday, but hopefully you'll forgive me in the wake of today's post. v0.35 is now available for $10+ patrons!

Before we get into the meat of the post, I want to apologize for one thing - the Lurker BE H-scene climax animation isn't finished. It was the only thing holding me back from releasing the update today, and I honestly just don't have it in me to spend 12+ hours trying to finish up the scene right now. I've mentioned it before, but animation is something I really do not enjoy doing, which is why I hired Orex to do it, and with his dayjob he was unfortunately not able to finish it in time.

With all that being said, we DO have a surprise added to this update last minute to make up for it - Kuso managed to finish his rework of the Alraune CG! I won't post anything about it here, but you can find it and enjoy it ingame at your leisure ;) Without further ado, here's what v0.35 includes:

-Completely reworked the ENTIRE Deep Soil from the ground up, with new puzzles, less annoying level design, and new tileset artwork
-Added 4 new conversations into the Deep Soil
-Finished the Bestiary section of the menus, with descriptions for every enemy that unlock when you capture them (note: doesn't include Poison Alraune or the bosses yet)
-Implemented Warped Soldier enemy recolors (other recolored enemies coming in the future)
-Added Poison Alraune enemy into the Deep Soil (note: currently has no H-scenes or CG, will get unique scenes added in the future)
-Implemented Warped Scientist and Alraune CG reworks by Kuso
-Added Lurker BE H-scene (climax animation not complete, but loop is)
-Fixed numerous bugs and issues (will be listed at the bottom of the post)

So that's the list of the major things we got done this update. The vast majority of my time was taken up by the first one, completely reworking the Deep Soil - I've gone over it plenty in updates before, so I won't waste your time explaining it all again, but it was a complete redesign from the ground up, with about 80% of the previous rooms scrapped entirely. I'm significantly happier with it now, and I hope you will be too! Unfortunately, the sheer scope of the rework meant that there were some other plans I had that had to be pushed back into the next update. I was a little too ambitious and didn't end up making it all happen, my sincerest apologies for that.

-Design and implement NPCs in the Summit area, which will include at least one cutscene
-Add more to explore in the Catacombs
-Finish animating the Lurker BE H-scene, and start reworking Alicia's BE status effect
-Implement more enemy recolors (at least tentacles and warped sentries)
-Continue reworking CGs, possibly add Poison Alraune CG
-Add more environmental dialogue throughout the game
-Rework the Flare Shot's first upgrade to be less intrusive to H-scenes and general gameplay
-Continue fixing bugs and issues

I'm keeping our goals a little smaller in this next update, to try and hopefully make sure nothing has to be scrapped this time. The major thing in this next update will be the NPCs and cutscene in the Summit - this will be a brand new NPC that I've teased before, and will be fairly significant to the game. It might also require me to slightly rework some things too, so between that and needing animation, voice acting, writing, etc, I'm just going to work under the assumption it'll take up a decent chunk of my time. Aside from that, we'll finally be ACTUALLY adding new areas to the Catacombs (probably not a ton, but there will be more this time I swear), and the usual reworked stuff like new conversations and Kuso's reworked CGs. I'll also be touching up the Flare Shot's first upgrade and completely changing the way it functions, so it no longer causes issues with getting into H-scenes.

Anyway, that's about enough outta me for this update. Before I go, HUGE shoutouts to our $30 patrons this update cycle! Thank you so much to ALL of our amazing patrons, but especially Keeg, SpeedyShamrock, HOELS, and Wangarang for your incredible generosity. Crisis Point wouldn't be the game it is today without all of you!



-Fixed not being able to cancel out of New Game Difficulty Selection when using a gamepad
-Fixed certain menu issues (especially on the main menu) when Menu Confirm key was bound to Enter
-Dashing while ledge grabbing will no longer always play the default sound, even if the dash attack upgrade that changes the sound is unlocked
-Added the Melee Attack key to the tutorial prompts when the game starts
-Updated graphic for Wire Shot Pillars in the Summit
-Added new audio options for CG voices so that gameplay cutscenes and CGs are different audio types, and split CG voices into Male/Female options
-Charge Shot upgrade text is no longer incorrectly displaying the Rapid Shot text instead
-Increased height of the Alraune's hitbox, so bullets won't miss her if they touch her face anymore
-Fixed softlock in Summit where the player can jump over the pit containing the Wire Shot, and end up in a spot where they need Wire Shot to get out but haven't obtained it
-Redesigned the Warped Sentry's shield to have better visual interest, to prepare for better recolors
-Updated facial animations for both Alicia and the Warped Soldier in the Warped Soldier H-scenes, both normal and BE
-Fixed bug where the player could push the first Warped Soldier enemy encountered in the camp by using the Melee attack, which could cause the following cutscene to act strangely
-Raised volume of Skill Unlock sound effect
-Fixed bug where gamepad couldn't skip the disclaimer and gamepad text when the game is started


James Mac

Good stuff, as always, Anon. It's honestly crazy how far this project has come over the years. Glad I've been around for most of that time to watch things blossom into what they are now. Keep up the good work!


Thanks so much, man! I haven't heard from you in ages, so it's great to not only know you're still around, but that you're happy with the progress we're making! I still haven't forgotten about your medal btw, I'll find a way to put it in the game yet :^)

James Mac

Yeah, unfortunately, life's been keeping me busy for a while now. Working two jobs and finally going back to school, it's getting pretty crazy! I've been lurking, though, and love everything you guys are doing, the passion for the project definitely shows now, more than ever.


Sounds intense, but I hope you're doing well aside from the craziness. And thank you so much for the kind words! It really means a lot to know that the effort we go through is worth it in the end!


I have some questions about Lurker BE H-scene. What is its tongue doing? Does its dick stick in from below and out of Alicia's mouth?


Correct, the scene is ATWT (all the way through). As for his tongue, he's using it to stroke the tip of his taildick as it comes out the other end