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Hey everyone, just wanted to put out a quick update to let you all know that I came down with a stomach bug of some kind a few days ago, and it's been keeping me away from my computer a lot. Because of it, it's very likely the release date for v0.35 will end up needing to be pushed back. I'm still trying to get as much work as I can done, but it's hard to keep the momentum up when your stomach is rebelling against you.

I'm really sorry for the disappointment, but I'll be pushing hard to get the update done as soon as I'm feeling better - and with the amount I've been getting sick lately, I think it's about time I do something to try and improve my diet, too, so I'm working on that starting now. Thanks for understanding, everyone, and I hope to have better news for you all soon.



Take your time to get better, Anon.


hope you end up feeling better


Health comes first, always. Take all the time you need