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Hey everybody, time for another weekly update! Not a lot of visual stuff happened this week, so this update will be a bit lighter than last week's, but we still got a lot done. Without further ado, let's get into it!



First off, we have the Deep Soil layout rework. As you can see from the comparison, only a handful of rooms are being left alone - the vast majority of the Deep Soil (including the dreaded tall room with the scientists) has been completely removed, in favor of a new, less compact layout focused around 2 tall rooms. Keep in mind this is only draft 1 of the Deep Soil rework - I don't expect to change the new room layouts too much, as I have a nice plan for the way the player will go through these rooms, but there will likely be more rooms added to fill in gaps, or slight changes in room sizes/connection points and such. I tried to design the new layout in such a way that it won't be as easy to "miss the objective", as it were - in the old Deep Soil, there was one point in particular where you had to pull down 3 totems in a room to allow progression in another room, but if you didn't realize you had to pull them down and went past them, you would be unable to go back to them unless you went all the way back around again. In the new layout, the totems have been removed from our plans completely, as they didn't really fit thematically, and the puzzles weren't particularly interesting - instead, we have some new mechanics, one of which involves the Poison Alraune from last post. Speaking of her..

Sorry to hold ANOTHER poll about her color scheme, but after realizing we didn't have a teal hair/pink leggings option, we decided to make some alterations to the colors AND her design (in the form of kinkier lingerie), and hold a second poll! Last time, we narrowed down that most people weren't really into the green leggings, so I decided to scrap those this time around and focus on the pink and teal lingerie. In addition, we've recolored the "teal" hair a bit to be more of a white/very light blue, which I think plays nicer with the rest of the colors. Orexius also whipped up a new idle pose for her, which will be her final pose ingame. Sorry again to hold another poll about the same thing, but if you wouldn't mind leaving your vote (and maybe a comment about it if you feel like it), I'd really appreciate it!

Alright, that's all I've got for you guys this week. My personal focus is 100% on the Deep Soil rework right now - since the layout has changed completely, I'll need to finish all of it before this update can come out, so I want to make sure that happens as soon as possible. I'll be honest with you guys, I don't think the update will come out this month - the rework is a bit more ambitious than I originally thought it would be, since there's some new mechanics and ideas that need to be developed for it. I'll keep you all updated on how it's coming though, and I fully expect to be able to release it in July at the latest. I'll still be aiming for a June release if possible, of course.

As always, thank you all so much for your support, and for continuing to follow Crisis Point: Extinction's development! I'll see all you beautiful people in the next update <3


Matthew R Vaccaro

I really like both 1 and 4. I would almost suggest something along the lines of a twins fight using the two schemes, but I know that would be likely to much work, so I'll vote for light hair with teal because it wins by just a tiny amount for me.


I say the Orange/Teal combo since the Alraune is supposed to be somekind of humanoid plant and when it comes to poisonous plants they are usually bright colored, but that's just my two cents on the matter.


That was pretty much my exact thought process behind the orange hair, really :p Seems like the vast majority prefer the white hair though, so we'll probably end up going with that one. I'd be lying if I said the white hair wasn't growing on me, too.