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Hey everyone! v0.34 is officially complete and out in the wild. There are things that I wasn't able to get to that were originally planned, like making new levels in the Catacombs and implementing the new NPCs I teased recently, but this update still came out nicely, and I managed to get the majority of what I wanted done. (Plus, even though there's no new Catacombs rooms, there IS the new Lurker enemy down there who's sure to show you a great time!)

As always, the download link will be sent via Patreon PMs for those who are no longer pledged, and also linked in the post just after this one for $10 patrons for anyone who is. Without any further ado, let's get into the changelog!


-Implement new Lurker enemy in the Catacombs (BE H-scene not complete currently)
-Implement new Data Disc feature
-Implemented Bestiary feature, with descriptions for 3 enemies (Bestiary entries are currently available immediately rather than being unlocked; this will be changed later)
-Implement new movement upgrade, the Omnidash
-Add new short cutscene at the beginning of the game
-Two new CGs (Lurker CG and Spooky Starlets collaboration CG)
-Completely reworked the Caves tileset
-Change Alicia's behavior on death to allow for H-scenes playing naturally

Alright, that's the major list of changes. Most of it is self explanatory, and I've already gone over the things that need more description in the past, so allow me to take a moment to talk about one thing in particular - the Spooky Starlets collaboration!

Crisis Point: Extinction is honored to collaborate with TinyHat Studios, developers of Spooky Starlets (and also a company lead by our very own FlynnFlann, the UI artist for Crisis Point), to add some extra content to both of our games! In Crisis Point, this takes the form of a Data Disc you can find that allows you to view a CG H-scene starring both Alicia herself and Susie Stitches, the "mascot" of Spooky Starlets. We've decided Spooky Starlets will be a game within CP:E's universe (that Rodriguez happens to be a big fan of), with Alicia being hired in the past to star in a rather lewd promo shoot for it. This keeps the logic consistent with our universe, despite Spooky Starlets being full of all kinds of monstergirls, like slime girls, goat girls, wolf girls, and more, that wouldn't necessarily fit within our lore.

In Spooky Starlets, the collaboration will have Alicia as a "playable character" of sorts! In their game, you direct your own pornographic movies starring a variety of lovely ladies in all sorts of positions - and now, Alicia will be one of those ladies you can pick from! Their page does a much better job at describing it than I ever could, so if the idea of making your own pornos interests you at all, please check out their page below and give their work a look!


Now then, on to the goals for Crisis Point: Extinction v0.35!

-Begin (and hopefully complete) the Deep Soil rework, including a complete overhaul of level design
-Add more areas to explore in the Catacombs (if Deep Soil rework goes well)
-Add the BE H-scene for Lurkers
-Start rework of BE mechanics to remove the movement debuffs
-Implement recolored enemies in later areas of the game
-Finish writing Bestiary entries for enemies, and add in proper unlocks for bestiary entries
-Continue reworking older CGs in Kuso's style
-Implement new NPC and cutscenes in the Summit area

This next update will be focused especially on the Deep Soil. It's become a lot of people's least favorite area, due in large part to the level design, so in the interest of fixing it, I'm most likely going to be razing the Deep Soil to the ground, figuratively. What I mean by that is just removing a lot of the current level design completely and reworking it from the ground up, this time with a better plan in mind - much like the other early areas in Crisis Point, a lot of the level design mostly boiled down to enemy hallways, and that's something I want to change and fix up. Unfortunately, such a big overhaul requires a lot of time and effort, and while I've already spent time laying the groundwork for a level design overhaul, it's definitely going to take a majority of my time for this update cycle. That being said, it's not like that's the only thing I have planned for this update, and Puffernutter is going to be helping with tilesetting the new level designs, so I'm very confident I can pull it off within one update cycle!

In addition to the new level design, I also plan on finally starting the BE rework I've talked about for ages (BE will still be in the game and there will still be unique BE H-scenes, it's just gameplay changes), implementing the recolored enemies I talked about recently, and a bunch more things I already listed up above, so the update should be a good one either way.

Alright, that's about enough from me for this update! Sorry we just barely missed the April release window, I was waiting on some last-minute assets, but now that the update is out I hope you guys enjoy it! As always, thank you all so much for your support. I'm really proud of how Crisis Point is shaping up, and it's entirely because of all of you. I'll see you in the next update!



-Fixed some missing wall tiles and improperly-layered ghost platforms in the Summit
-Alicia no longer gets stuck in place if she collides with a Warped Soldier (and maybe others) while using the Wire Shot, if that enemy does not deal contact damage
-Nerfed damage of Split Shot slightly (main bullet down from 2.0 to 1.8, sub-bullets down from 0.4 to 0.25)
-Nerfed damage of Auto Shot weapon to 0.75 (down from 1.25; default bullets do 2.0)
-Changed some of the moans in the Tentacle CG sequence to better fit the mood of the scene
-Added gameplay toggle for screen shake on enemy death
-Fixed bug where screen shake during the "boss attacks camp" cutscene often faded out too quickly
-Made it possible to close the ingame menu and main menu Options menu using the Menu Cancel key
-Fixed bug where returning to the main menu while using the Options menu from the main menu resulted in the main menu music cutting out
-Fixed game crash when using Return to Main Menu option in the final room of the game
-Fixed bug where text popup when holding a button to skip a cutscene was behind the text explaining how to skip cutscenes, and after that first scene, the text turned black, making it nearly unreadable
-Fixed a small bug where certain rooms would briefly fade the music out when you entered, only to quickly fade back in
-Changed an instance of repetitive writing in the Summit Entry dialogue
-Fixed issue where environmental dialogue of Alicia finding the first security door was bugged, and would play an unintended line from Birch after Alicia finished talking
-Fixed bug where some interactables were still interactive during first Warped Soldier fight, which led to various other bugs and crashes



I am having trouble I may just be dumb but where are the catacombs where this new monster is suppose to be


You're definitely not dumb, no need to be down on yourself - the game does a poor job of guiding you to the Catacombs currently, I want to improve that in the future. To get there, you'll need to head back to the Summit after collecting the Kilogrip ability. With it, you can head back to around where you get the Wire Shot, and progress further into the Summit using ledge grabbing, which will eventually lead down into the Catacombs.