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Hey everybody, time for another CP:E weekly development update! Before I get started, as you all know, I was dealing with an arm injury that kept me from doing work for a little over a week - on Thursday, though, it finally started feeling better, and I was able to start putting work in again. Because of how late in the week it happened, this will be a pretty small update overall, and because of that as you might imagine, v0.33 will definitely not be coming out this month. I'm really sorry I didn't make it on time everyone, but rest assured that everybody who pledged during v0.33's development will be receiving the update once it comes out, whether you're still pledged or not.

To elaborate more, because v0.33 can't possibly make it out this month (there's only 2 days left afterall), I'm going to push it back slightly rather than trying to rush it out as soon as possible in January - v0.33 is huge compared to our usual updates, and the extra time will give us the opportunity to polish things up much more in preparation for the public demo. It also gives Kuso the chance to finish the Tentacle CG rework he's working on, so we can have at least one final piece from him finished and implemented. My current goal is to release v0.33 in the second half of January, hopefully closer to the middle of the month.

Anyway, enough about all that, let's get to the update itself shall we?

First off we have the starting area, as seen in the image at the top. You may have thought we were done with that area, what with the new background and all the detail going on there already, but no sir! We added some more background bits to show off the crash, and also a new tileset, as the old one kind of stood out now. With Puffernutter on our team, I plan on gradually adding a lot more to each area of the game - seeing as Crisis Point is a Metroidvania, important areas being memorable is very important to navigation, and that's one major area where Crisis Point has failed in the past, largely due to a lack of resources. With another background artist on our team, though, I'm hoping we can inject more variety and memorable, single-use background assets, like the ship in the background of this shot, to help make key areas of the game stand out more in the player's mind.

That's all the visual stuff we have to show off for this week, but I managed to get a few things done myself as well - primarily, I worked with audio from Alicia's voice actress, who recorded a few conversations that play before Alicia meets anyone on the planet, and also recorded a bunch of new moans for H-scenes. One thing that had been bothering me for a long time was how each phase of each scene only had 3 different moans; it lead to a lot of repetition, and I wanted to fix that, so in v0.33 we've tripled the amount of clips in each phase for a total of 9. All of the old clips were replaced, as the audio quality on them was lacking when put up next to the new recordings. Sorry if you were particularly fond of any of the old ones, but they stood out very harshly against the new ones.

Aside from that, I mostly tinkered around with various parts of the game - fixing glitches, adding small bits of polish, that sort of thing. I won't bore you with the details now, but both our bug fix list and our changes list this update are huge, and I'm really excited to get this one out into the wild. Thank you so much for the support, everyone - see you in the next update!




real quick how did I get to catacombs again?


Has anything been added in terms of actual hentai? I can never keep up.


You can get to it by going through the Summit once you have the kilogrip upgrade


Since when? If you mean just in this current update, not yet, no. We were going to have CG reworks done by now, but since the artist replacement happened so recently, Kuso is still working on the Tentacle CG rework - though it's our intention to get that finished before v0.33 comes out. You'll also be able to access the boss H-scenes from the camp now instead of by losing, so those scenes are more accessible now - and also like I detailed in this post, Alicia got way more H-scene moans in this update, so the existing H-content should hopefully be more enjoyable. Right now we're focused on finishing up the rework, so new content isn't happening just yet; after this update though, we plan on ending The Great Rework™ and having a healthier balance of new and reworked content going forward.