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Hey everybody! Now that I've had a bit of a break from work, it's time to get back to regular weekly CPE updates! Before I begin, apologies for not streaming much this week - honestly I just wasn't really feeling up for it, but plenty of work got done regardless, so hopefully you'll forgive me for that one!

First off this week is the new Tar animations for the Summit. Many people have pointed out that some tar in the upper areas of the Summit flowed the wrong way, but that wasn't all - it was just a static image shifted to look like it was flowing, rather than having any sort of proper animation. This week I decided to take the time to actually properly animate the tar, as you can see up above, with several different pieces for flowing downward, flowing down and splitting into left/right when it hits the ground, flowing left, flowing right, and flowing over ledges. It may be a small touch, but it makes the area look much more complete if you ask me. You can see a higher quality version of the gif above here: https://gfycat.com/OccasionalEarlyDiplodocus

Next up is the ingame sprite gallery! The ingame gallery is essentially identical to the standalone gallery that $5 Patrons get access to, with the exception that boss H-scenes are not available there (you can talk to Birch to view those instead). You can enter the H-scene gallery by interacting with the door pictured up above, at which point it'll take you to the room pictured below:

The rooms work just like the $5 standalone gallery, where you can interact with enemies (after you capture them) and control the H-scene, switching between normal and BE versions and duo/trio scenes at will. You can access rooms with other enemies by going left or right, and you can leave at any time by interacting with the door in the middle again.

Next up is the new Wire Ride graphics! It's kinda hard to see with the low quality gif there, so I suggest taking a closer look here: https://gfycat.com/anotherunsightlycommabutterfly

I've been wanting to update the art on those for a while, as the old art was extremely temporary and not particularly attractive. Now it looks much more complete, and with a bit of animation to boot. I really need to add these to more areas of the game, it's tragically underutilized at the moment.

Lastly, we have the new font for dialogue as well as other things. I've gotten reports in the past of typos in the game's dialogue, and so far luckily none of them were actually typos - just the old non-pixel font looking ugly and making it seem like there were missing letters or punctuation. Now we have a legit pixel font instead, which not only avoids the problem of text appearing to be missing in odd cases, but also suits the game's pixel art presentation much better.

Alright, that's all I've got to show off this week! I've also done a handful of bug fixes and Orexius has finished detailing every enemy's stagger animation, so v.33 development is proceeding smoothly so far. I REALLY want to finish it before the end of the year, along with the new public demo, though with the sheer size of this update it'll be a rough task to say the least. I hope you'll all forgive me if development on this one ends up going a bit longer than the last - I think my to-do list is at least double that of the last update, which was already a decent size.

I'll be trying once again to stream this week - hopefully I'll be more up to it and we can get some huge productivity going. I won't schedule them ahead of time this round, so keep an eye out here if you're interested in streaming - I'll try to notify everyone ahead of time if I can. Thank you all so much for your support - CPE has really gotten back on track these last few months, and I'm getting real excited about what the future holds for us! See you in the next update!



(No title)



I haven't been following up with your posts in a while. Good luck moving forward. It's proving to be a time consuming and slow process.


orex has two streams up in the last two days


Game development has never been fast, even in the hands of people far more experienced than I.


Yes, sometimes he streams without me if he has the time. We got him Picarto Premium a while ago, so you can watch his recorded streams after the fact if you'd rather do that than watch live.