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Hey everybody! Sorry to say I don't have much exciting to talk about this update, or anything to show off visually - since we didn't stream at all this week, most of my work was spent on things that are less exciting to stream, or things that I don't want to stream myself working on, like writing.

I spent most of this week writing cutscenes and tying up loose ends for various parts of this update, like adding in the Warped Sentry's H-scene voice clips (which I kept forgetting to do for ages), finalizing my plans for a few unfinished Skills, implementing the code for mid-gameplay dialogue, finalizing and touching up the new scripts for CG scenes, writing more cutscenes and sending them off to our voice actors and actresses, and polishing up some features here and there. For those of you who are curious, this next update will contain 4 cutscenes and 3 environmental conversations (the former takes control away from the player and is fully automated, the latter plays in the background while you're still playing the game.)

Orex was mostly busy with his day job this week, so he spent his limited time continuing to polish up the Warped Scientist BE loop and starting work on the climax scene for it.

The last major thing that got done this week was LustFire finishing the new Edovex (flying alien) CG scene art! In regards to the CGs as a whole, there isn't enough time for LustFire to finish updating all of the art in time for this update, so fair warning, some of the CG scenes may have visuals that don't match the text perfectly - most of the dialogue has been rewritten and rerecorded to match the new context of CGs (choosing to do them 'for science' rather than getting them via game over), though we're not really changing the positions depicted in the scenes, just the dialogue and context. Next update we should hopefully be able to finish making everything match up.

For streams this week, we'll be streaming at least Tuesday and Thursday at our usual time, 1pm EST, though I want to see if we can squeeze in some early morning streams as well - no promises on those, but if we do pull them off, they'd likely be around 10 am - 2 pm EST on whichever days we can.

That's about it for this week. Sorry again I didn't have anything visual to show off, but this update is actually getting pretty close to completion, so we're running out of exciting visuals to show off! I'm pretty confident we should be able to deliver this update by the end of August, or worst case scenario very early September.

As always, thank you all so much for your support and love, everyone, it means the world to me <3 See you next update!


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