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Hey everyone. Sorry this one is a few days late; I had a depression flareup this week, and I'm trying my best to push myself through it, but it hasn't gone great. Making these progress reports acts as a good mental reset point though, so I'm hoping it'll do that for me today, and next week will be better.

My work week was obviously pretty bad, but not completely nonexistent. In addition to what's written on the daily updates below, I've also been communicating with our VAs as needed; they're all INCREDIBLY lovely people and I adore working with all of them, but being an ADHD introvert like myself, it definitely takes a lot of my mental energy. Might even be part of why my depression was flaring up this week; another thing to talk to my therapist about.

In any case, I've already received recordings from a few of our VAs, and I picked out takes for all of Rodriguez' dialogue, and started doing it for Birch's. For the rest of the cast, I've at least heard back from everyone but Kara's VA, so I know most of them will be recording soon. I also need to hire a few more people for some minor side roles, but that shouldn't be difficult. Either way, all of the new cutscenes still need to be added to the game, so there's plenty of time for our VAs to get recordings in, and I don't expect to have any problems with that.

With all that said, here's what our daily updates for this week were like:

Sorry again mine was so pitiful, but I'm trying my best to pull myself out of this funk. It's frustrating how often these happen, and how quickly/randomly they seem to come on, but I'm hoping I can at least get to the point where I can shake them off quickly so they won't have a lasting impact on my productivity.

I think my goal for this next week will be going over any more recordings I receive, and I want to start working on implementing all of the new cutscenes. Some of them will definitely need to use WIP assets (the intro especially), so I need to figure out what we're doing for those as well.

On to more fun things, though: the recolor poll! Or more accurately, the final results!

I guess since the last poll was NSFW, I can't really post the visuals of the poll results here, so.. sorry about that! You'll have to check the Discord or refer to the previous Patron-only post for the visuals, but here are the SFW versions of the final winners!


For the most part, the Discord and Patreon votes were very consistent, except for Recolor 1 - on Patreon it was a pretty even split between A and B, with a slight lean towards the former, but the Discord polls were overwhelmingly in favor of B, so B ended up winning in the end. For Recolors 2 and 3, though, the final winner was the same as the vote ended up here on Patreon, with C easily taking both.

Now that this first recolor poll is finished, I think we'll be starting the next one pretty soon - I had a lot of fun with it, and I hope you guys did too! I have a lot of different ideas about how to shake things up, so we'll probably be making some tweaks to the format, but I'm overall pretty happy with how it turned out so I don't think we'll be making too many dramatic changes. In any case, I'll have more to announce soon, probably once we start the next poll properly!

Alright, I think that's enough out of me for today. Thanks for reading, and sorry again for my lack of productivity. We'll see you again next weekend, with our next progress report (and possibly the start of the next recolor poll)!


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