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Hey everyone, time for another CPE progress report!

This week was a little good, a little bad. It's been a stressful week for adult content creators for reasons I'd rather not get into here, and I was still struggling with productivity most of the week - but the past few days have been improving a lot. I managed to fix my sleeping schedule (at least for the moment), so I'm actually waking up at a nice, early hour; Puffernutter is back from her trip, and she's ready to get started on all the UI work needed for this update; I started work on some non-CPE projects with a friend of mine, to help with having a non-CPE creative outlet; and just generally I'm feeling more optimistic than I have in a bit, so I'm ready to get back in gear.

My two main focuses right now are implementing multiple saves (and the save file selection menu that comes with that), and finishing the story rewrite. As soon as the rewrite is done, I'll be sending the scripts off to our voice actors so they can work their magic. With any luck we'll be able to afford all of the acting at once, and once THAT'S done, there shouldn't be any major hurdles preventing us from implementing the reworked story. There'll be a good amount of work to be done for sure, but that's the only big roadblock right now, so I'm optimistic we'll be able to get it done soon!

In any case, this is a progress report, so I should keep things brief. Here's the list of daily updates for the past week:


And that's it for this progress report! Right after this I'll be posting the next part of the community recolor poll, so keep an eye out for that if you're interested.

Either way, thank you for reading, and we'll see you again in a week with another progress report!



Was the violation the health kits? lmao