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Hey there everyone, we're finally here at last: Crisis Point: Extinction v0.47 is finished and ready to play right now!

You can watch the trailer above for the main highlights, though the NSFW stuff has to be censored due to this being a public post. For those of you who prefer reading, here's a list of all the major things added and changed in this update:

        Crisis Point: Extinction v0.47 Major Changes and Features
-The ability to recolor Alicia using unlockable color palettes has been added
-Some H-scenes were given an update/overhaul (like the Warped Soldier H-scenes)
-Alicia's gun's design and color scheme now changes based on your equipped blaster chips
-A new trigger type has been added, the Snipe Trigger (no unique visual yet; our plans for this one are a bit more unique than the others so it'll have to wait until v0.48)
-All cutscenes have been updated with dynamic camera movement and zooms, to make them more cinematic and interesting
-All cutscenes have been added to a Gallery in the main menu, for easy re-viewing
-Zoom during H-scenes has been updated to zoom smoothly instead of instantly

There are a number of smaller additions/tweaks added in this update as well, but to be honest, it's been in development so long - and my depression was bad enough at some points during it - that I just didn't document everything very thoroughly. There also won't be a "small changes/bug fixes" list at the bottom of this post, unlike other update releases, because of that, but now that things are finally stabilizing a bit over here and my mental health has been improving dramatically, documentation for v0.48 should be much better.

It is worth noting that there's no new story content added in this update; we're in the middle of a story rewrite right now, and the story in v0.47 is at a point where adding new content would be very awkward without the rest of the rewrite being implemented yet, so the focus right now is on polishing and new features rather than new story. The rewrite isn't quite finished yet, but it IS past the currently-implemented story in v0.47, so it's possible we could see the rewrite be added in v0.48 - the biggest concern is whether or not we can afford to pay for all the new voice acting that's needed, and I'd hate for the game to go from fully voice acted to not having any during story scenes, so I can't make any promises just yet.

In the interest of getting this update out ASAP, I won't be detailing v0.48 plans yet; I injured my wrist about a week ago, and I've been trying to take it easy so it can recover quickly, and using a keyboard is straining it a bit so I want to keep the rest of this post brief. I'll post something about v0.48 in maybe a week or so, once v0.47 has had some time to settle.

As always, the download link for v0.47 will be in a Patron-only post right after this one, and I'll also be sending the link in a DM to everyone who pledged at the $10+ tier at least once since the last update came out - so if you pledged at the $10 tier even once since March 2023, you'll be getting the download link for the update even if you're no longer pledged.

Before ending the post, it's time for a BIG FUCKING THANK YOU to everyone who continues to stick around despite all of the problems, doubly so for all of our insanely generous top patrons:

Katsune Teku
Pedro Fraga
John Wilson
Angel Tinkerer
Thomas Kleis
Nate Delisle
Wayne Ham
Jose Cortez
Luis Cardenas
Clouder Z.X
Andrew Frisina
Adrian Ito

Before I go, let me take a moment to say it again: THANK YOU. The last few years of development have been a rollercoaster of disappointment and terrible mental health, but this past month or two, I've felt better than I have in a long time. I really think we're turning a new corner for CPE in 2024, and I can't wait to see where we end up. You guys are the reason I'm still here; I would've given up a long time ago without all of your kindness and support, so thank you all so much, from the bottom of my heart.

Well, that's about enough out of me for today. Thank you for reading, and I hope you all enjoy v0.47!


Crisis Point: Extinction v0.47 feature trailer (18+ Adults Only Metroidvania)

This brief video showcases some of the major features added in v0.47 of Crisis Point: Extinction, our Adults Only Patreon-funded Metroidvania! You can find out more about the game, and support the development, here: https://www.patreon.com/Anon42 You can go to this link to try the FREE public demo: https://anon42.itch.io/crisis-point-extinction-2023-public-demo



It was worth the wait in my opinion! Looking forward to playing this version!

Damien Jacobs

do you have a button list for this that i can use to map out a controller on steam? edit: nevermind, i got the controller to work outside of steam after all, it just took some button remapping with F1


I would LOVE to stream this soon!

J.R. Petericka

is there a way to disable the mouse aim?


You can play with a gamepad if you prefer, but there's no way to play keyboard only anymore. The game's design is changing now that we have 360 aiming support and so the old control scheme just isn't compatible anymore.


i just wish mc was a bit taller shapelier curvier even more adult looking and had like some kind of high heel options imo, the enemy lady towards the end of the trailer looks more like a fully developed protagonist.


Are you after male or female voice actors? I am an aspiring Voice actor (Male) and willing to work the game for experience.