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Hey everyone - I meant to be posting these every Sunday that there isn't a dev blog, but I'm not used to the schedule yet and I totally spaced out on it, sorry 'bout that!

First, a bit of preface, since this is the first time I'm making one of these posts: since me and Orex started posting daily progress updates in our Discord, I want to make a post once a week that compiles all of our daily updates into one post for those of you who aren't in the server. These posts will be very short; the whole point is to make them easy to write, compared to my big update posts that usually take a few hours to write, but I'll include small updates on things when needed as well.

With that out of the way, here's what we've been working on, from the last dev blog up to the 16th! (The 17th onward will be in the next progress update)

Additionally, I wanted to give you guys a small update on v0.47. My goal was to have it released by the 21st, and while our progress has been going great, it's not quite ready yet, so we'll need a little more time. I still plan to release the update in March, so it won't be too much longer! We're on the home stretch, we just need a bit more time to polish things up and get it ready for a public release.

Thanks for reading, see you again with another update on Sunday!


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