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Bit of a good news update.

My mum had been saving money secretly for my birthday, and thanks to her generosity I was able to get all the remaining computer parts I needed for my pc build locally. ( Yes, I happy cried when I found out )

And great timing, because the laptop basically shit itself again. So I built that thing over the weekend, and set everything up, luckily so far so good, things are running smooth. I did however have to do a majority of work on the latest update after I had the new computer put together. But sweet jesus did I enjoy working on it.

This is an extreeeme relief, no more massive amounts of lag adding hours onto anything I try colouring, no more struggling to open webpages sometimes even as basic as google or worrying about corrupted files constantly. ='D

+ I won't have to steal Wes' computer to stream anymore, so I can do it whenever I want! ( Hopefully it runs as smooth as it did on his )

Thank you for your patience while I worked on getting a better pc, the relief is almost overwhelming. I can finally push things out faster and really start enjoying my work again without the frustration.

( Not to mention, not having to hunch over to look at a laptop screen is going to do my scoliosis fucking wonders. )


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