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So I'm going to start those up this month, unfortunately I've discovered that my laptop is literally just.. waaay too shitty to be able to stream or even record a drawing process without extreme amounts of lag. Even after the little hardware upgrades I made to it awhile back it's slowly getting crappy again.

(Go figure lol)

So until I can build my own desktop. (Hopefully soon) I will be using Wes' computer to stream. It's sorta difficult to get used to because of the monitor size but his computer is really fast running and 1000x better than mine so it should work out fine. I just won't be able to do it more than once or twice a week since it's his and I can't just take it all the time lol.

The latest picture was done on his computer to test this out (because I had to record a drawing process for some of you also) and everything ran fine. So yeah I'll let you guys know more about streaming soon. ^^


I'm pleased with how this first month has went though.. I'm still kinda getting used to it and have some things built up to work on but it's a lot less stressful than what it was. Thanks for everything guys, especially the patience while I adjust.

Will try to upgrade from a shitty laptop for the first time since dial-up as soon as possible to make shit easier kek


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