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Results for the poll are up.

UNFORTUNATELY. I forgot to set a username entry thing so there would be no CHEATING. And it was blatantly obvious that SOMEBODY cheated.

So for that reason I've cut out any votes that were around the same time frame or spamming. I goofed and someone blew it. :)

Winning thing is Couples, Anthro.
( To be honest this theme was already far ahead on the first day the poll went up way before any spamming happened anyway, so I feel like it would have won despite me having to snuff votes out.. )

I'll also be making a large post regarding patreon changes later this afternoon, important things will be in BOLD, which is still quite a lot. But flip through it when you get a chance as changes will start happening to my page in 3 days.
Or just wait until the changes are made to see everything written in stone and decide what you wanna do. ( No payments will be taken until February though, so no rush. <3 )


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