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Okay! Huge explanation time of the changes that will be made to this page.
Important things are in BOLD, so if you hate reading just look at that stuff.

These changes will be made to my page in 3 DAYS but nobody will actually be charged until February, If it gets close to February and I think some people haven't seen the changes you will get a PM to notify you and eventually deleted if I think it slipped your mind, to avoid you losing money. So pleeease read on so that you can change your pledge amount or opt out and such. Thank you!

This will no longer be monthly automatic billing for a folio.

I instead will be doing weekly paid updates of 1 image (at first anyway), all by patron votes.
Why though? I've realized that although I enjoy doing folios and having a small sort of project to work on for the month, I'd much rather small goals of 1 image a week to conquer. NOW. I know what you're thinking! "But Dim, how is having to make a post every week less stressful than once a month?"

For me it's more so less of a pile up of sketches staring at me that I'm worrying about. If I work on one thing a week from start to finish It'll feel like less of a 'huge load' than having things pile up and wait to be posted.


With just weekly images, I have more freedom to take on random suggestions from you guys, so even though the monthly number has dropped from 6 to 4-5, you'll still get more than you've been seeing now with all sorts of bonus and less 'regulated' drawings more often that you guys will see first and get to choose from.
And by any chance I can't do a picture one week, no problem! You just won't be charged.

I realize that not everyone will be down with this, and that's totally cool! Do whatever is comfortable for you and what you feel is best. ^^

What will the main reward tiers be? (This is for EACH WEEKLY update)

(The tiers will be changed in 3 days, so you can always look at them for real when the time comes..)

$1.25 +

-Get updates 1 week before they go public

-High resolution images

-Ability to vote on/suggest ideas for the weekly image update.

$3.00 +

-Everything above.
-Receive process updates for the weekly image, (Sketches, shading, some small tips/tutorial-ish stuff, that sort of thing.)

-Gain original work files (XCFs)
-Previews and early access to other various pictures I'm working on / the ability to vote on which of those you'd like to see finished first also.

-Give away, Chance to win a 'coloured sketch' commission of 1 character.

(Winner will privately be chosen at the end of every month)

$5.00 +

-Everything above.
-Access to a Q&A form, where I'll answer questions in new 'Audio' updates at least once a month a long with a recording of my work process on a piece.
-The option to suggest certain characters for me to draw on my own time, as well as vote. Something you'd like me to draw but don't think it could win weekly image? This is your best shot to have it done.

-If you win the give away, upgraded to win a fully rendered piece of 1 character.

The average/minimum amount of times you will be charged each month is 4, with a maximum of 5 depending on when days of the week fall. It would be best to set your monthly cap at 5x so that you do not miss anything.

The completed weekly image will not be posted to the feed, and will instead be sent out via PM. You will be notified of this when I make a paid post stating such.

That's everything that I consider important to say now. As said, this may not be for you! And that's alright, you can either change your pledge now, when the changes are actually made, or even opt out completely.

If you decide to change your pledge now or opt out, I'll make sure to send you the January folio when it's done via PM in case you can't see it and have paid for it.

Remember, you will NEVER be charged more than once a week. I have to see how this structure works first to get a good handle on things so it could take a few tries to get a good rhythm!

Thank you, I know this is a big update and a massive change, I hope you can all understand why I want to do this. I'm happy I'm taking this step into a new routine for the new year. ^^

Have an appointment for little dog that needs nails trimmed. Will be back later to respond to any questions or concerns with the new format.


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