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Hey! So first side note, I won't really be on the computer for most of the weekend, Wes is really sick with some lung issues (he has had them before) so I want to make sure he doesn't die lol.

-Some of you may have noticed that the pledge amount has dropped rather significantly. You can find out more info on the subject itself through the tiny question mark underneath the amount on my or any other creators page.

With this change happening, you may have also noticed that we have dropped a tier. Edits for images.

This does not effect the edits for this folio. But following ones will not have guaranteed edits unless that goal is once again reached. (Although you never know, sometimes I just slip in small bonus edits randomly for fun, so there will most likely be some here and there anyway.) And there will still be pictures with multiple characters, not just pin-ups.

(Patreon has also been a bit buggy for creators at the moment, mainly things with payments processing/messaging etc. But they are working on it with all the other changes.)

-Okay! With that out of the way.

The winning theme for this month is Apocalypse Ponies.

Anthro won with an extremely narrow lead. (But don't worry Pony anatomy fans, I plan on drawing at least some of them in that form on my own time away from patreon stuff.)

Will update you with sketches and things in the future.

You don't have to read this part, just extra info on updates for new milestones etc.

-The $1200 tier has been changed to add general live streams.
These live streams will be about once a week, gradually more often when I get into it.

-There is a new tier at $1400.

This unlocks recorded videos for patrons and higher res images for folios.

The videos will be sped up recorded sessions of 1-3 images from each months folio, might increase to more if I get a good rhythm going.

-The $1600 tier has changed to 'suggest a character'

This will be separate from the folios. And will allow you guys to submit characters (OCs included) you would like me to draw. This is something I will choose from and do on my own time randomly, if a character sounds interesting I'll do it.

These could be sketches, rough colours or fully rendered. Just more bonus stuff.
It's basically just a chance for you to get something drawn that you don't think will make it into a folio.

-There is also a sort of far off $2000 tier added too, way farrrr away.

This will unlock 7-8 images per month instead of 6.

That's just kind of wishful far off thinking though lol.

That's everything, enjoy your weekend!


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