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Did I mention I have like 0 luck?

>No bad news with deportation.

But instead my computer bricked. -_-

I couldn't fix it without certain parts and the boyfriend has been working away from home for the last month so I had 0 help, I lost a lot of stuff but managed to salvage most important things and re-do what I had lost. (+ I learnt how to fix a laptop by myself.)

So although I'm like 1000000% over seemingly not being able to catch a break lol, I'm not gonna get too bummed about it because it could seriously be something way worse and now with my computers upgrades it runs faster and my drawing program doesn't lag... so.. win.. sorta? Not really?

I'm just sorry these things keep happening, I'm not exactly fond of them either it's starting to feel like a joke. x_x
Please know that I appreciate the continued support throughout all of it, even if I feel like I don't deserve it, and I'll always get things finished even if stuff gets in the way. It helps me keep my chin up and I'm getting better at dealing with everything without stressing myself to death.
Honestly if I wasn't doing this I feel like I would have given up and practically stopped drawing while all this was happening.

But hey away from me being a sappy cry baby wow I have 2 folios for you.

They will be up in like 5 minutes, unless you see them first then they are there. Poll for November will be up another time later, I don't know, I'd like to think about changes and stuff for patreon first (Good things don't worry).

Thanks guys. I'll try not to die or something this month! x_x


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