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This will dictate the winning ideas for not only this month but also the next so that I can just get everything at once.

So top 2 voted ideas will be chosen, will choose the first idea after 2 days so I can get started quickly and then the next at the end of the month.

Everything is fine for the most part, sorry these interference's are seemingly never ending. I've had no further issues with the people involved but the entire situation itself has caused problems with my immigration status and there is a possibility of me being deported back to Australia if we can't have it resolved. I don't know much about it and won't until the the decision is actually made, but if it comes to that I'll let you guys know and will put a pause on Patreon for a while until things are sorted out.

Thanks guys, I'll keep cramming out work for you until I'm physically forced otherwise. Not gonna let this stop me just yet no matter how much of a pain in the ass it is. ='U


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