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Turns out even with a restraining order this guy would not leave me be, he kept turning up and if it wasn't him it was his friends harassing me. He now has jail time, but since he couldn't torment me his friends took it upon themselves to keep showing up at my house too and the fact that we couldn't find another roommate also, we literally had to move apartments across city to get away. The police only just started to leave me alone and we couldn't have internet transferred until the middle of the month due to lease bullshit that didn't make sense.

He broke my phone, tore up drawings I had on my desk, nearly broke my computer, physically assaulted me and threatened to hurt my dog.

So I'm going to have to refund some people, because if it wasn't already scanned or hidden away, it's destroyed.

If you are expecting a picture from me and don't get a message please don't hesitate to ask me about it, since Patreon updated sometimes even if I hit send it doesn't go through.

The Internal folio is up, poll for this month will be up tomorrow.

Since we were forced to move kinda far, and our building has good security if they show up I literally don't know what I'm going to do because moving far away was sort of last resort. I never thought one person could effect my life so negatively and scare me so much. I'm tired of disappointing myself and you guys, I hate involving my personal life with this.

If anything more happens this month, I'm going to put a hold on Patreon until it truly stops, I hope I don't have to do that but my own problems constantly effecting you guys isn't fair and it makes me feel unbearably guilty all the time.

Drawing is something I have always loved to do, but it has been extremely difficult for me to enjoy doing it while trying to have high hopes when this has been going on. So, till the end of the month, if nothing happens I will consider myself lucky af.

Thanks guys. I'm sorry this whole chapter has gone on for so long. It's ridiculous and I'm just as tired of it as most of you would be. Just want things to be normal again.



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