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Okay I don't like dwelling to deep into my life and I don't want to go public with this because it's too much but obviously I need to at least explain to you guys. Sorry for text walling I'll try to keep it short-ish. My ex roommate that we kicked out for being an asshole/not paying bills hit a new low and did something completely messed up by telling the police that we had child pornography, both my boyfriends and my computer, usbs, phones everything were seized and we were questioned constantly for the past 3 weeks because hey, having the porn I have on my computer is apparently pretty incriminating. This has literally fucked with our life and I almost lost my actual job over it. You have no idea how sorry I am for this happening like this shit should not effect you guys but there was literally nothing I could do since I have no local friends at all to access the internet from/no way of contacting them and I only just got my computer back today and now I have to spend however long trying to explain WHY this asshole I know would even do this. I'm not going to charge you guys for June because I won't be able to finish everything in what little time I have to even get back on track so I'll have to use next month to just catch up on everything and start fresh. The download for Aprils folio is going up now, and I'll try and get some sort of poll up for this month/work my ass off to have it ready early June. I am legitimately sorry but I wasn't exactly expecting this sort of thing to happen out of no where. Any understanding is seriously appreciated, I've been terrified for the entire month and should consider myself lucky they even dropped it this fast and that I didn't lose anything apart from time and like 5 years off my life for stressing out so much. If you have any questions feel free to message me but I won't be going much further into it because I don't like having to share things this serious and I'd like to just get over it and move on. Everyone already waiting for me to get back to them with stuff please give me like a day or two to just sort myself out because I'm still freaking out. Thanks guys, seriously, I know I don't have much luck but the main reason I feel so shit about this is because it doesn't just effect me but you guys too. If I could get like one month where I don't break my hand or get my things taken away so I can just draw I will never complain ever. Again, from the depths of my chest cavity, thank you.


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