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Not happy with how the last month went basically.
Got more than I bargained for, started out fine but ideas expanded and it threw me off. My own fault, should have anticipated differently.

I'll be working on old requests and personal stuff for the next few weeks after I finish what is late, so when I have something done it'll just be posted without needing approval prior like a lot of the recent pics... Sorry about that.

Thank you !!
As always your support is incredible, feel like I'm improving but haven't been delivering frequently enough lately and want to push myself this month to make up for that. Will be taking more commissions at the start of the new year after I work on other things for a while and I won't take too many at once just in case ideas get bigger again.

Cheers to the death of Tumblr too, not much to say about that..
Hope it doesn't effect any of you too much.


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