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Edit: We got some test results back and things may not be as serious as they had seemed. There is an infection that could be the real cause behind some worrying symptoms and levels of toxins in her urine that mimic kidney disease. But it could have been a blessing in disguise, as it helped us catch real kidney problems that can be managed.

She will be on medication and if we are lucky the infection will clear up and she will just be on a new diet/take vitamins. We will not know for certain until she has taken the antibiotics for a while and is tested again, but if this is the case I cannot express my relief. Thank you for the understanding and all of the supportive comments. 2 or so months could now be years and that's incredible.

Unfortunate news but we have learned over the weekend that Meg (my dog) has developed kidney problems and likely does not have a lot of time left. Won't go into it further since it's a really shitty situation and there isn't much that needs to be said.

It was very difficult finding out and I'm still upset, but for the time being it's fine. She is old and it was coming. Just putting this up as I'm behind on what I wanted to have finished due to this and will be posting what I have/contacting people who need updates tomorrow.

Thanks for the patience and sorry for bringing up such a downer subject, shit happens sometimes but will be fine.

Hope you had nice weekend. x


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