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I want y'alls input on this.  I'm gonna have some changes but I want to see if or who anyone would be interested in it.

$1 - Pretty much the same. It will consist of random things that I work on that aren't comic-related. Only now it WILL include commissioned work, but will NOT include smut. The reason for this is I want more people to be interested in becoming a Patron but having an option to not see things they don't want to see while at the same time enjoying everything else.

$2 - Will be the exact same option, but WITH smut. Stuff you've been seeing, and more things that will become available once I change the tier.

$3 - All of the above, but can see WIPs of  A1313.

$5 - Will get one-month-early access to every comic I do. This will include comics that aren't A1313 once I start finishing them.

$25+ - Will get a colored sketch a month outta me.

 I will keep more expensive tiers for those who wish to keep them who just want to support me and my art, but I'm mainly focused on getting as many $1 Patrons as possible. I reached my goal once, I want  to be able to reach it again. 

Let me know what you think!

If more people are willing to pay $5 for smut, or more willing to only pay $2 for early-access, I’m open to suggestions. 



Imma keep pledging for $50, so whatever you do is fine by me!


Thanks, bro Q^Q People can pledge higher tiers if they still want to, I'm just trying to attract more new people to commit to less than $10 a month LOL


I'm cool with this. Personally I don't feel like the old tier rewards were very enticing; you're entitled to set them how you want, that's just my opinion. I pledged $5 just because I like your art. I had kinda wanted to see the smut but $50/month was waaaay more than I can afford.


I'm glad this is more reasonable! Hopefully more people will be wanting to see that smut haha