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Pandaheart Bear

Tummy Symbol: A pink cell phone with a star-shaped power button and a pink heart on the screen.

Caring Mission: He’s a very different person online than IRL. Despite what his blog says, he’s actually quite timid. He teaches people that it’s okay to seek out the approval of others, but to not let it change who you are inside. Because being yourself will make you happiest. While he doesn’t always practice what he preaches, he does his best to remember what really matters.

Iceheart Bear

Tummy Symbol: An ice heart with a smaller pink heart in the center.

Caring Mission: Being a bear of few words, he may come off as uncaring and distant, but he teaches others that you don’t always have to express love vocally and you can show how you feel through actions. There are all kinds of ways to do this, but he expresses affection by taking care of his brothers and cleaning the house.

Grizzheart Bear

Tummy Symbol: A sandwich on whole wheat with a heart cut out of the middle. Probably jelly.

Caring Mission: He is very optimistic and loves freely. He teaches others the importance of being a positive-thinker and having ambitions, no matter how pointless they may seem. Also that there’s no better way to make oneself feel better than to eat something tasty.



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