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Moss was often rejected by society, being too goblin-like for society. But after finding her friend orc friend Diana, she adjusted to society just fine. But after a while, Moss wanted to leave to learn about her own kind. After finding out she wasn't actually a goblin, she left Diana.

Before Moss even noticed, decades had passed. And when she finally returned to Diana, she had died. Moss left again, forgotten by everyone, for no one she knew was alive anymore. Finding comfort in the moon, reminding her of Diana, she found the Hunters of Artemis, and joined them.

Moss is a defender of freedom, and vocally opposed to oppression, so she's very protective of her hunter family.

She's at heart a compassionate person, forgiving the misdeeds of others as mere acts of foolishness or ignorance, but has nothing but scorn for men who abuse their power, and she takes delight in tormenting them by reminding them of their mortality, and dismisses them as unworthy of even speaking to her. 

Moss is basically Mother Aughra combined with Madam Razz.



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