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Name: Rapunzel Laburnum

Race: Wood elf

Age: 600

Height: 6'0"

Gender: F

Sexual orientation: Lesbian

Class: Druid

Circle: Dreams

Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Languages: Common, Druidic, Elvish, Giant

Key traits: Long messy greying dark brown hair, freckles on her face and shoulders. Scar on chest in the shape of a tree.

Family: Twin daughters, Parsley and Turnip (50 years), and cat, Nightshade (??? years)

Story: Long ago a witch traded her own child with the baker's child. And Zel's soul was bound to a tree by that witch. During that time she developed a strong connection to the Feywilds via her dreams. It was her only escape. She learned how to use magic from the different fey she met. She used her magic to mend wounds and bring joy to downcast hearts. For hundreds of years, the locals would come to see her, for potions and spells to improve their lives. While she is isolated, people still travel to see her for their problems. Now she feels obligated to stay and has stopped looking for a way to break the spell that binds her to her home. (Also she had a relationship with one of her human customers and got pregnant with twins, but never told him. )




holy shit holy shit holy shit. She's so old and beautiful! I just realized we don't get to see a lot of aged elves in artwork. Great job as usual.