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Gonna be posting teaser pics of nsfw images throughout the month and then post the finished pieces all at once at the end of the month. Let me know if you think this is a bad idea. My goal is to protect my blog from people who pay, save my nsfw images, and then bolt.



People do that? Do what's necessary!


Sadly yes they do (not counting people whose financial situations change). Which I don't care if people save my images buuuuuut y'all are gonna get more images if you stay pledged. What they're doing is pledging once, save images. Bail. Then come back months later and do the same thing. And it's not fair. I may even have to delete things on a month by month basis which isn't fair to people who want to look at past things. It's fine for artists who make thousands every month but that's not me xD I'm not that popular and I don't do this full time.


How would this stop the issue? If people are looking back through the history every few months, how would changing the release time help?


What Patreon needs is a way to limit people going through archives that are months old without being a subscriber for at least Y months. That way you could set it up so that if you area patron for one month, you get 0 older posts and they unlock with a sustained subscription.


That's a good point. I brought it up in another comment that just uploading monthly packages and deleting past stuff may help but I don't want to do that either cuz a lot of people like browsing through my old stuff. I don't think there's a real solution, at least not one that's presented itself yet.