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What!? Feel better soon I'm glad you are ok.


I hope you start feeling better and get home soon


Feel better soon


Sorry to hear that, get well Elles.


Sorry Elles


Feel better pls ❤️😫


Feel better Elles, don't worry for anything


Glad you're okay!




Holy crap glad you are OK. If you ever need a non-judgmental ear feel free to message me


Don’t damage ur life... 😂!! Don’t waste time & $$$ .. for do some thing shits, stupid.. ! 🤣🤣


Stay safe and look after yourself!

Michael Vieider

Please. Please. Please. Please don't do this again. Please don't try to kill yourself again. I don't wanna see pictures of a young girl - FUCKING TWENTY YEARS OLD - AFTER her own goddamn SUICIDE. 🥺😢 Mental health is - next to a loving person - THE essential thing in a shity time like this. Think about your - new - boyfriend. Don't let him back. I don't know him - shit, i didn't know you either - but what i know is that, what you sended us a few days ago. You told us, you are happy now - happy with him. If that's true, SOMEONE is waiting for you. So, please... Don't let go. 🙏

Bryan Connors

My god Elles. Please don't ever try something like that again. You're honestly an amazing girl. I wish you could see yourself the way we see you. If you ever died, it would be an incredible loss for the world, and especially the people that know and love you. I may not know you that well myself, but I know enough about you to know that you're irreplaceable 🥺

Bryan Connors

PS - You look INCREDIBLE in these pics btw. This is a contender for being my favorite set you've ever done ❤


OMG, please don't do that again, that would be enormously sad. We love you!!


Hoping you are able to find joy again in the little things and management strategies to cope with your mental health. You have much to offer the world and lots of life left to live! Don't let the distortions in your mind control who you are as a person, people care for you! I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you are able to find inner peace and happiness. ❤


Get well !


Glad your ok. What is account do you post what's going on with your life so we can read to see what's happening? You have very many accounts.


Please stay close. I want to keep following you ...! :)

