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"Every new console has to go through the Game Sync(tm) process for a better gaming experience. However in some cases holding the controller and playing isn't enough. Sometimes one must must appeal to our players preferences to open up their minds, get them comfortable and let our advanced systems do their work. In this tape, out fellow employee Meg will showcase an unorthodox method to get our  playtester comfortable."

Ain't this unusual? Such a drastic artstyle change... Don't worry though, it's just for this drawing!

The character here is Meg, a fictional Nintendo Employee from a little ARG youtube channel called "Super Mario 64 Beta Archive"

This ARG plays a lot withing the "Super Mario 64 mythos" that were famous a couple of years ago. Things like "personalized Mario 64 copies", scrapped levels and other weird beta elements that may play into why SM64 has such an uncanny aura to it. It was actually one of the better channels that played with the whole "Every copy of Mario 64 is personalized" thing but sadly due to some behind the scenes drama it came to a bitter and rushed end.

You can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/c/SuperMario64BetaArchive

I find the character really cute so I wanted to draw her c:

Here we see her instructing us how to get players comfortable enough for a long SM64 play session!

I hope you guys don't mind this little intermission while I work on more... Complex drawings!

Hope you like it nonetheless c:

(There's an alt with no vhs effects in the attachments!)



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