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It was 'Bring your Boyfriend to Work Day' at the FBSI, or at least that's what Bailey said when she brought Dip into her Squad's HQ.

The rest of the girls weren't suprised by his appearence there. Because they were already expecting Bailey to bring him in and... They knew as much about him as Bailey. It was a nice change of pace for them to see a guy who they didn't have to assasinate nor wasn't a superior.

As a gesture of friendship, the girls even prepared something for him. A small gift brought straight from Nevada.

Being as non confrontational as Dip was he had no issue laying on the mysterious metal table right in the middle of an empty office space and while no harm came to him he ended up regretting his decision, now he was at the mercy of Bailey and the super advance alien tech from the desert. 

The squad watched in delight as the device did its magic, endeared by Dip's cute looking feet and laugh, they internally wondered if exposing the poor guy to super secret space techonolgy was a bit overkill but the results were cute so it didn't matter, besides... They had a lot of technology and gadgets they also wanted to use on the young man....

Another drawing featuring Dip and Bailey! This time Dip gets to be in the spotlight!

I got the idea for this drawing after watching a video, it's a direct reference from there. If you can guess where it's from I'll give you a high five!

I saw the opportunity to draw more Dip feet and I took it.

Oh and... I left you a little teaser of Bailey's FBSI Squad. You'll see more of them and a proper introduction in the future!.

I hope you enjoy this drawing!
