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Vivid memories turn to fantasies.

Vivid- vivid memories

Now freeze!

Full name: Jeanette Bailey
Age: 26
Birthday: May 22nd
Favorite color: Blue and Green
Kinks: Being a Power Bottom, hypnosis, roleplay, bondage, feet (a little bit), 1 male to 5 or more female bangs, pp worship
Turn offs: Animals, facial hair, men taller than her, people with gray hair, baldness.
Loves: Her boyfriend Dip
Likes: Her old job, traveling, rain, dancing, destabilization of governments, guns, decyphering codes, sleeping, sight seeing, snazzy suits and ties, driving, spending time with her
Boyfriend and his friends, some of her fellow agents, listening to schizo conspiracy theories.
Dislikes: Her current job, her superiors, rival agency agents, lolly gagging, gory movies, authoritarianism, people with wrinkles on their faces, loud noises, seeing blood
Hobbies: Reading (she loves crime and romance novels), listening to conversations, talking with people from other countries; puzzles, investigating people, collecting information
cooking, dancing (she doesn't know how to dance, but she loves to try)
Nationality: American
Favorite government Cover-up: The [DATA REDACTED] of 87

Short Bio: Most of Bailey's past is a mystery few people know. It is known she was really good with words and puzzles, and that she was recruited by the government.
through a special program for gifted teenagers. She quickly rose through the ranks thanks to her information-gathering abilities and her versatility with guns. She worked with several agencies until she tried to dig through government secrets to satisfy her own curiosity. After that she was demoted to a mostly useless agency where all the gifted rejects end up, that specializes in paranormal cases and civilian vigilance.
After being assigned to watch over two young adults with a podcast focused on conspiracy theories, she dug further and found reports of a strange lady in a green dress that supposedly worked at a Cafe the podcasters owned, and after some more spying she falls in love with one of them... Thomas, also known as Dip.
They eventually become a happy couple, but Bailey struggles to find balance between her love life, her job, her investigation into the green lady, and the suspicion of Dip's cousin and fellow podcaster.

(Bailey refers to Dip as Green or Greenie. (Green as reference that he's still young, not experienced or trained and the color of his favorite hoodie. Occasionally she calls him 'Thomas' To sound intimidating or more dominant, usually in bed.)

Here she is, finally. Allow me to present you... Bailey! Your friendly local fed who is in charge of watching over you and your activities. Incognito mode won't work with her!

Expect to see more of her soon!



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