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Halloween... A time for spooks and shooks and a time to eat a lot too.

From Neena's perspective it was just an excuse to dress up in silly ways, get with your friends and eat and drink a lot. But while she found the whole thing silly it didn't mean she couldn't enjoy the occasion and that she did...

After all this date marked the return of a despicable being filled with naughtiness and villany... The Wicked Wiener!

That's what Neena called her hot dog costume, it was a little character she had made up for herself. A mischievous wiener that pranked people.  People found it adorable. Last year the wiener didn't do much other than annoy Jess with sausage related puns, but little did they now... The wicked wiener was just bidding its time.

After the annual halloween party at the cafe the employees stayed in the place to clean up a little, everyone was slightly tipsy except for the designated driver (which happened to be Val) and the wiener,  Karol was also there to help out, but in reality she was just waiting for the manager so they could leave together, little did they know the manager was helping out the wiener with its wicked plans.

With the help of the manager the wicked wiener acquired the help of eldritch pumpkin beings and ghost-like entities to produce its wicked plans... To prank her co-workers.

So when they least expected it... The pumpkin popped up! Jess cried, Alex yelped, Karol produced inhuman sounds and Val said nothing as the pumpkin beings used their roots to wrap themselves around them... Then the little ghost-like beings appeared and began to take off their foot wear. Alex and Jess begged, Karol said a lot of mean words and Val said nothing, apparently already knowing what was going to happen next which needs no explanation

The cafe filled with laughter as the ghost beings did all sorts of things on their feet. Touching, rubbing, kissing... The works. They were relentless and merciless on their wicked assault. Alex and Jess laughed, Karol did her best to hold in the laughter while still screaming obscenities, Val hold her laughter.

They all prayed that this was maybe just a collective nightmare but those prayers fell on the vile villain that had caused all of this, and her helpers which she held in her hands.

This wasn't a night of shooks and spooks anymore. This was a night of pranks, a night of laughter...

This was the night of the Wicked Wiener!

I'm posting this one early so it can be released to the public on Halloween day!

This one is a tribute to one of my favorite Umojar (now Bad-Pierrot) pictures: https://www.deviantart.com/bad-pierrot/art/Blair-tickles-3-witches-120989906
This one is one of the pics that first got me into foot stuff over on dA and it still holds up to this day imo!

Happy (early) Halloween from your friends at the cafe!

Hope you don't find yourself in the grasps of the Wicked Wiener this year!



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