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This is an app I'm working on to add the teardrop notch shape to any device. It's mainly meant for devices with a center hole, but if you just like the look of the teardrop shape, it'll work for that, too.

Right now, you can set the width and height of the entire shape, along with how much space the central circular part should take up in the given width.

It's a very early build, so there isn't any polish. There's no icon, no setup process, some options are badly named, and the teardrop shape itself needs some work. To get it working, you'll need to manually enable the "Teardrop Notch" Accessibility Service before enabling it in the app.

The source code is available on GitHub for anyone interested. If you're good with vector graphics and can make a better design, reply to the issue on the repository. Make sure to read the requirements.



I liked the hole initially but this looks kinda neat. What I really wanted, though, was a black bar all over its height that actually inutilised that part of the screen and pushed the status bar below.


lots of possibiliries too