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Hello there you cute and extremely sexy people!

Another week, another progress update!

I got some things to share that are not really game related. Like I said last week, I send my lawyer a list of files that I need ( I basically just took ingame renders and added a .duf at the end ). I also had to explain what those files are exactly since the police or whoever is checking them tends to be kinda clueless...Especially with stuff like this. So I saved them the trouble of looking stuff up and explained how to open them, whats in them and that this is basically the only thing you can do with those files. Nothing hidden in them etc. I hope I get a positive response regarding this, but I'm not putting all my hopes in this because if it ends up ending negative, I would be devastated ( more than I already am, I guess ).

But I also had a different idea. If the Chapter 4 script reaches a size I'm happy with ( I'm not talking about completion, let's just say 2/3 ingame days done or so ) and there is no hint that this process of me getting my data back is accelerated, I had a different idea in mind. Kinda like the MNF Christmas special that I did to work on something while I can't fully work on MNM, I had a similar idea for My New Memories. If you are familiar with the game Grandma's house, the creator, Moonbox, made a "prequel" to the game that plays a few years before the main game, during the college time of the MC. Now what if I do something similar for My New Memories? Make a small ( ~1.5 hours long ) game that plays during the college time of the MC before he found Anna again. This would give me the option to show Bethany and Sabrina ( at a younger age ) and also create a few new girls that the MC could have met in college that I then can even tie into the main game once I can fully work on it again. I don't know, it's just a thought I had in my mind because this would mean I can continue working in DAZ3D and not "lose" my skills there, if that makes sense. I would still pause pledges in february, of course, and you would get the beta benefits etc for this prequel. Just tell me your thoughts in the comments or in a DM, I'm very eager to hear what you think about this. The game would be free of course. Even on Steam.

Lewd render was a banger again, Sabrina and Bethany just always amaze me with their beauty. This week I will do something different again, so stay tuned!

I was able to make some decent progress on Chapter 4 again, editing the beginning a little because I wanted to give it more character. Since the MC got his memories back, he is fully back to his old persona, which means that he is a little more direct with his approach regarding certain things. This doesn't mean he will be an asshole, but during the night in the hospital he will approach Dr. Slatni a little different ( in a friendly but demanding meaning, if that makes sense ). Todays progress update render is Sabrina that you have to replace with Lina in the house where the ginger trio will be staying. Like I mentioned a few times, Lina has a special connection to the twins and karla, feeling a little bad because she also didn't tell them about the accident the MC and Anna were involved in. Still, she will return to her regular cheery mood fast, making jokes with the MC regarding their Sauna time and then gettimg emberassed when the MC asks her a certain thing regarding the "date" they have planned ( if you went that route ). In that regard Lina is just like Yukiko - sometimes saying words are easier to follow on them.

And I think that's it for now. Don't forget to tell me what you think about the prequel idea if you feel like it. If I hear anything, be it positive or negative, I'll let you guys know. Stay awesome!




Trying to make me cry some more with a prequel!!!

deaths reapers

the college theme would be pretty cool to see for the game going forward. It could add more lore into the world.