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Hello there you super cute and very wholesome people!

Another week, another progress update!

This one will be a little shorter since there is not that much to talk about. I didn't get any news last week regarding my case, but to be honest, I didn't expect any ( be it positive or negative ) since it's the end of the year, and usually before holidays, these people tend to work less than they could. I think the earliest I will hear anything might be in 8 days...When the new year already started. It will almost be 4 months by then and I will still do everything I can to get that one SSD back. If I'm not getting the SSD back in january I will pause my pledges starting in february, since this is starting to get really on my mind ( and I don't want to bore you guys with the same "no news" every week, to be honest ). 5 months is a threshold I don't want to cross, especially if it's literally just that one god damned ssd that only contains daz3d files - And only those. Don't worry, I will survive for some time!

Okay, let's talk about something more positive now. The Christmas special. Like I said in my post from yesterday, I usually don't do updates like that, but I feel like given my current situation, it was the best thing for me and for you amazing people as well. I just wanted to do something that I can put out for you guys to play, so that little christmas special was the right call. I hope you guys enjoyed it, I had a lot of fun making it and I'm still constantly learning and improving to make MNF2 look even better. We'll see how that goes but I'm confident I can pull it off!

Todays render is a special Christmas one that I hastily put together. I hope you guys still like Bethany and Sabrina together in a cute Christmas outfit. 

I will now return to writing fully on My New Memories again and I should be done with the full Chapter 4 script in the coming weeks. Then it will "just" be waiting, but I'm very high on hope ( or copium, as some people may call it ) that I will get that SSD in January. I already said a few times that chapter 4 will be huge and I expect that rendering will take me 2-3 weeks once I have all my assets back. Like I said, it's only about that one SSD for me now, they can take however long they want with all the other stuff ( my pcs etc ). So everything my lawyer and I will do is to get that SSD back asap. There is no reason that they won't, but you never know with the law enforcement here...If I make a post that literally just shows a red portable samsung SSD, you know I'm back in business.

And I think that's it for now. I hope I will have more to say next week but for now. I wish all of you amazing and cute people a merry Christmas and happy holidays! In Germany, we celebrate Christmas on the 24th but I know that in a lot of countries, todays is the big day! So I hope that all of you are able to enjoy these days with your beloved ones. Stay awesome!




You will see that that ssd would be back to you by the beginning of next year, so fingers crossed cuz that will be the best beginning of 2024

Kyle K

That Xmas special was so damn wholesome! I do hope you can regain your ssd and your sanity. Still bullshit that they are putting you through this! I hope you had a great Xmas and here's to a much better new year!