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That's 1461 Days. Holy fuck, just thinking about this number makes me a little dizzy.

Exactly four years ago, the first version of My New Family was released. It was the start of something that changed my life more than anything I ever did before. It was and still is the most exciting journey I have ever done, and I know that there are a lot of you people out there who have been following since day 1 - And some were even there before the official release, to test out the alphas and betas.

Four years...And so much has changed since then. My New Family is at it's last chapter and I'm already making plans for My New Family 2, My New Memories has 4 chapters total now ( prologue + 3 chapters ) and from what I can tell, people are even more hyped for that now. It's just such an incredible thought to soon be able to say "I completed my work on a game".

But there are not only positive thoughts regarding that. To be honest, I'm actually scared and sad at the same time. My New Family and all of it's characters have become such an important part of my life and when I think about the fact that this chapter is ending soon, I'm getting a little...Emotional, I guess. Without even realising it I put so much of my wishes and desires into this game. And I think that is also one of the reasons so many of you amazing people started to like my work, at least that's what I think.

For me it was always like that. I could relate to so many things the MC went through in his life - from an alcoholic father to a girlfriend cheating on him. And while I worked on the first release of My New Family, I realised that I can put everything I wish would happen to me in this game. This might sound...Weird, if you see it just for these words alone. I don't mean the household loving, of course. I mean having moments like you have with Sandra in the beginning - Where it's basically love at first sight. Or listening to Lucy's story and immediately wanting to protect her. Positive emotions after all these negative things that happened to the MC.

Since the release of My New Memories I get the question why I'm not putting more drama in my games. I got them with My New Family as well, where some people were not happy how the situation with Martin ended so quickly or that Elaine  and Fiona went through such a "drastic" change in personality. Why everything has to end on a positive note. Isn't it boring when you know that whatever happens ingame, it will end good? Isn't it lame that there is no suspense, no fear, no worry that you might have to go through some terrible things because of decisions you made in the game? That you might even lose one of your love interests? Basically "No drama = game gets boring".

And all I can say is no, I don't think this is boring at all, at least not for me. I don't want to feel the anxiety and fear that Sandra might go on a date with another man for whatever reason. Or that she might get in a car accident and doesn't survive. That someone comes and threatens to destroy mcs family ( I know I kinda did that with Mike in My New Memories and to be honest, that was probably one of the hardest things I ever had to write, the terrible things he says about the MC and his daughters ). I hate these feelings in games, or at least in visual novels. I want to play these games to feel good, to smile and be happy for whatever happens around the MC. I want to see a character like Lucy smile and feel love for the first time in her life, I want to make sure that whatever bad happened in her life will never happen again. I want to see a character like Becca start to forgive herself. All of these things.

That's what my games were about and always will be about. I'm writing them in a way that I would personally enjoy playing and reading them. When I read Lucys backstory I get sad and angry for the terrible things she had to go through - Just to smile when she is hugging the MC for the first time and starts calling him a pelican. I get worried about Anna dropping all these hints, just to smile in the end realising that everything is going to be good now. That's why the only other VN's I play are like that as well - Slice of life, Drama free and wholesome stories.

I think I did all of these things well with My New Family and I intend to keep telling my stories this well once My New Family 2 releases as well. There won't be any bad surprises or bad endings, there won't be any choices that split the story into two million different paths. It will always be "I like this girl, show me more with her ( in terms of show me lewdness )" or "I don't like this girl" which means you will still see her ( especially in MNM ) , but you won't get any romantic scenes.

And I personally think I found my place in this extremely big world of Adult Visual Novels. I know what I want to do and even more, I know what I can do to begin with. I'm not good with drama, I'm not good with heavy suspense...But I think I'm somewhat decent with creating these wholesome, household loving stories so many of you like to read.

I don't know what the future brings, but I know that no matter what, none of these years would have been possible without the incredible support from all of you amazing people. Every comment, Every like on my post, every review on pirate forums, itch.io or steam is the reason I'm able to do this. And of course, every one of you who decided to support me with your hard earned money, you are the reason I can do this as my job and hopefully create even more romantic and wholesome moments. There are no words in this world that can describe how insanely thankful I am for you guys. Like I said in the beginning, some of you have been with me since the beginning, a lot of you have become really close friends, even though we only know each other online. You guys are the reason I can keep going, no matter what happens in my personal life, I know that you incredible people are there for me. So thank you, really, from the bottom of my heart for these insane four years. Here is to even more of them!

Oh, and the renders are just my two personal favorite girls - Sandra and Anna. In these harem vns, the harem enablers are usually the girls I love the most. I know that Lucy is the fan favorite in My New Family and Lina is a strong contender for the fan favorite in My New Memories, but that is also something I love so much about working on these games, everyone has their own favorite girl but in the end, we love all of them, right?



Michael A Santillan

I agree with them. Its is a lovely escape from reality. It does help with relieve stress of a normal world and gives us down time to relax. So don't worry about what the critics say. This is your world and it should be what you want to show the world, with a little influence from your supports. But it's your decision in the end of what you want and how you want it to go. So take your time and build these stories the way you want them to be. Love how they are turning out by the way. Laters


Thoroughly enjoyed both storylines as they continue to evolve. I like the choice of renders in the post too ;) we all know that those two are they key to everything the MC gets to experience in the positive!