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Hello there you extremely cute and wholesome pelicans out in the world!

Another week, another progress update!

Work on 0.23 has been going pretty good. I'm about halfway done with writing for the first day and looking back at it, I'm surprised how long this one is going to be. I'm not used to "longer" My New Family days anymore, I guess, since we have six of them in each update they tend to be 1/3 of a day in My New Memories. Still, I'm happy with that progress. The first event of the first day will give you some longer time with Becca, Elaine and Mary, like I promised. They will all get more time this update, just like the other girls. Like I said, I don't plan to cut other characters time short just because they will get more events - See it more like an extra on top of the regular stuff. Writing events for those three has been difficult sometimes since their personalities are very different compared to someone like Lucy or Alice. Mainly because they are older and have more experience, at least thats what I think. Especially Elaine is tricky because of the interesting start she had with the MC. Still, they deserve just as much love as the other girls and I heard you guys loud and clear in that regards. The evening of the first day belongs to little Alice though and I think this will be the most wholesome, cute ( and maybe lewd ) event we had with her so far. And that is only the first day, I have some interesting stuff for the weebs planned on the second day...Ah, it will be a good update, at least I hope so!

I have to admit, I also worked a little on My New Memories... I just couldn't help myself. After the hectic and emotional Chapter II I got a surge of new ideas and just had to write them down. Chapter III will be very, very intense and like I teased a few times, it will end the first major story arc of My New Memories. There are still a lot more planned, though, so no worries there. I don't plan to introduce major "conflicts" again, like I did with a certain person that caused the accident, but there will be things that are very different compared to My New Family. I think it will be easier once you see it. Todays render was supposed to be Jessica playing chess, but Patreon decided it was "too lewd", even though she is fully clothed. So instead you can see the render I posted yesterday on twitter and the discord - Olivia stealing a bite. If you want to see the Chess render, just join the Discord and check out the #custom-arts channel!

And I think thats it for now. I'll see if I can release the first beta for 0.23 this week, no promises though. Like I said, it will be a rather eventful day! Stay awesome, people!




every time you mention MNM i get even more excited for chapter 3, I love MNF but in these 2 MNM chapters it become my new favorite game, can't wait for more, cheers


Olivia does love her sweets.


She's a little cutey.


That regard or those regards. And you call yourself a writer lol


It's almost like english is not my main language! Crazy, right?


Well every day's a school day or so I hear Case in point, you learned how to pluralize in English and in turn, I learn that English is not your native language because how could I have known that previously?


Many great things ahead indeed, can't wait to play them. ^^

Jeff Sandau

Killer has said this on multiple occasions, on multiple posts, and I'm pretty sure it's posted somewhere on the F95 page for both MNF and MNM that English is not his first language. If you happened to miss all that before posting your comment, that sucks, but why be an ass? What do you get out of pointing out a grammar error? Is your life really that sad that such a small thing, such a miniscule thing, is enough for you to be an ass to someone else? I dunno if I'm an old man, or just an old soul, but I was taught that if you can't find something nice to say to someone, don't say anything at all.


Wow calm the fuck down. I thought at the time I was just giving my fellow fluent English speaker a good ribbing for a mistake ANYONE could have made. I certainly wasn't trying to rub their nose in their depth or lack thereof in the language or anything malicious like that. After all, roasting comes from a place of love, does it not?