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Hello there you very attractive and wholesome people!

Another week, another progress update!

As some of you may have noticed I was able to release the first beta for 0.19 last week. I'm once again testing some new things out, something that I didn't really planned for and just see how it goes. It's not something about the girls in particular and more something about MC and, to an extent, Alice. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it once you see it! I will do my best to release beta 2 this week as well, no promises though!

I think 0.19 in general will be a mix of stuff again. I plan to continue the progression with side girls and give MC more time with them, especially with side girls that are starting to fall for him already. Melissa and Ida, for example. I also plan to take the "training" mc does with Lucy to another level. I don't want to get too deep into the fantasy setting but I think there are still some interesting things they can find out about her body! 

Now to My New Memories. I was able to finish about half of the renders that I planned for the fifth day. The one you see in this news is one, a scene that happens early in the day. Once those renders are done and the day has been playtested it's time for the final sprint. The last day is going to be full of surprises and will end on a very big cliffhanger. I'm not going to spoil anything, of course, but keep in mind what my cliffhangers usually are before you try to hunt me with pitchforks :D. Still not sure if I will make day4/day5 available to Patrons, that is something that I will decide this week.

And I think thats it for now. If anything comes up I'll let you guys know! Oh, and thank you so much for breaking another patreon milestone - We broke over 1200 patrons! You guys are amazing, really!




I am relatively new to AVNs but I have not come across a story like yours, and LUCY makes it so satisfying to me, in the difference between your story and others. I would vote for more LUCY than anyone else, because their banter is the best IMHO--and her cat features are integral to that banter. I would surely enjoy more Lucy fantasy training and anything else about her...

Jeff Sandau

Gosh, 1200 patrons, Killer! I still remember when you had less than a hundred. Congrats, my friend! Keep up the good work!


Well deserved my dear fellow. ^^

Gary Hempel

if anyone comes hunting you with pitchforks give me a shout ill come Armed for Tiger to defend you...


my birthday is in 2 week... day4 and 5 would be a great present


I will come armed with a mini-gun and be talking in an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice if people start to hunt you down with pitchforks

Richard salas

I just wanted to say I hope Melissa is adding to some scenes soon on my new family I feel like I haven’t seen her in a while

Roy Greenhalgh

Killer- go where the story takes ya. Ya sucked in over 1000 story addicts so you got to be doing SOMETHING right. ;) There has yet to be a character I have not liked and wanted to know more about- I got my favorites like everyone else but you tend to switch around enough to keep it fresh. Great Job!


1200 patreons are well deserved. You are one of the most talented writers when it comes to stories and when I look at what you are currently doing with MNM you also get better and better with rendering characters. So looking forward to your first official release of MNM and while I wait I will continue to enjoy MNF!


How do I download my new memories