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Hello there you wonderful and very sexy people out in the world!

Another week, another progress update!

As some of you may have noticed the first beta for 0.16 was released last week and with it the patrons finally get to know what Lucy was trying to say in the end. Work on Beta 2 is already making good progress and I expect it to be released this week, like usual. If anything comes up that might delay it I'll let you guys know.

I think I have an overall plan on where I want to go with 0.16 already. I have teased a nice little event arc with Maddie and I also want to finally do something with Maddie that was planned for quite a while - What I exactly mean with that is a little secret. It is something lewd though and might involve another blonde you already saw naked! ( That pretty much narrows it down to one person anyway ). The little changes I wanted to do are already planned out as well. You will still have a more or less steady routine for the morning and evening but they will play it out in very different ways!

I also made some progress on My New Memories, not as much as I wanted but it's still something. I have about 1200 lines of code and I'm aiming to reach ~1800. That is the length of one longer day in My New Family(the days you had in 0.14 and 0.15, for example). Once I'm done writing I'll fire up the renders and see how long that will take. The pre alpha will contain a bit of lewdness but nothing too wild - like My New Family it will be more about the story and not about the lewds. I will have more things to share regarding My New Memories this week though so stay tuned for that! The render you see in this news is one you will also see in the game, again!

And I think that's it for the moment. Stay tuned for more My New Memories news this week! And thank you again for the amazing support on patreon. You guys have been killing it, especially with the annual pledges. Stay awesome!




I am here for story first and lewds second so that fits with pre alpha. Wonderful work on last beta.


Planned and "teased" for quite a while if that's what i believe :-)


I agree with story first. Looking very much to MNM. The renders look great. Lucy's surprise was really not that but it was fun.


I didn't see 0.16 yet but Im quite sure what Lucy want to tell. The story is very good and characters are wonderful ( Lucy/Alice/Fiona-my favorite)


Those who pay attention know exactly what event you're planning with Maddie ;) btw I can't wait for the first MNM release


The big thing I want to see is Fiona and the MC realising that they are more than just good friends with benefits. I'm not even sure that Fiona has kissed the MC yet...


MC did like a sneak attack kiss on Fiona once.

Jeff Sandau

Crap, I haven't even played through .12. I need to get my butt in gear.


Did he? OK, fair enough. Having said that I just want more than a "close friends who sleep together" dynamic. Other than Lucy it's the relationship I'm most invested in.


Love u