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This is a full animation, duration 13m:24s

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Since you paused the patreon payment for several month and delivered us this masterpiece - is there a way to send you a one time tip for your extraordinary work on this one?


It's enough that you subscribe to me. But if you really want to, you can upgrade to tier 3.


Patreon does not have functionality for a one-time payment. You can put any amount for your subscription, but this way it will be debited every time patreon charges.


I get it. I upped my membership and will keep it at that for a few month. But if you keep the payment on pause, you won't get anything off it. I miss the times when you could just slip people a banknote - much more satisfying on the giving end.


Well, if you really want to, it seems Patreon hid it here: https://www.patreon.com/checkout/hold?rid=0 But I warned you about charges. In fact, you can just edit the subscription after a while to tier (1,2,3), so you don't get a big charge if you forget.


I enjoyed it. thank you! Will it get bigger and deeper next time???


I'm still thinking about it. There was a poll about this: https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-about-80435236 I think it looks strange. There is also a small animation in the Bonus folder where it gets deeper. What do you think?


You are most welcome! It's been really hard to keep my enthusiasm for this project under wraps for all this time!


Bigger and deeper can run into ... problems ... if you're wanting to remain "Reality Adjacent" like we're trying to. My point being that you have to be careful with getting "too ambitious" about these things. My personal preference is to at least try and remain "Reality Adjacent" in a way that is realistic/plausible when blended with fantasy, rather than going completely gonzo/cartoonish. Speaking just for myself, I prefer my Size Fetish Fantasy to be *erotic* rather than just reaching for the extreme and then always trying to one up whatever happened last time. That way, it's not just about Poles & Holes (& Bulges) but also about feelings, passion and immersion that draws you IN, rather than simply angling for the spectacle of racing to the extremes.


If it's a concept that competes with a deeper and larger size, stick to the concept... (even if it's a bit unrealistic...) If it's a sexy and beautiful concept... I think it's good to create a sexy look with a realistic look.


For clarity, I'm not saying a reflexive "NO" to the idea of bigger and deeper ... if it is done SKILLFULLY and with appropriate care and concern ... while at the same time recommending that going bigger and deeper should not in and of itself be a specific goal to strive for (because if you don't, you will have failed). My reasoning for this stance functionally amounts to a sort of analog to the "goes to 11!" phenomenon. To illustrate the concept here, let's say that the size and depth of what is being done here in GL2 is "going to 10" on the size and depth settings. In order to go bigger and deeper, you will then need to "go to 11" next time, right? But then if you do that, the pattern (and expectation) will be set, such that the time after that you will need to "go to 12" ... and then 13 ... and then 14 ... because ... you can ALWAYS go "bigger and deeper" ... right? I've already had something akin to this conversation with Hold already, how if you don't want to completely ridiculous, there are going to have to be some upper limits set on exactly how much "bigger and deeper" you can go. Just because the computer ALLOWS you to do that, doesn't necessarily mean that you SHOULD ... for reasons of Good Taste™ if nothing else. Beyond a certain point (and where that point actually IS can be a bit fuzzy depending on personal tolerances, preferences and fetishes) you transition away from a Realism Adjacent presentation (which is where we would prefer to stay) into the Uncanny Valley (where things start looking really wrong!) ... and if you keep going you wind up in the body horror/pain/torture/snuff/guro segment of the Pornoverse where things can get decidedly gruesome. Please forgive us for not wanting to go THAT FAR and that extreme with the Size Fetish Fantasy, because "that way lies madness" (and a lot of other rather unsightly things). The simple fact of the matter is that there IS going to be "size limit" on how far you can go with this stuff and "still remain sexy and hot" while doing it. You're going to run into the limits of Good Taste™ long before you hit the limits of what the computer programming will permit or be able to handle. Simplest example of this phenomenon that I can use for illustration purposes is a set of four images made by IceDev. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4031419 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4031421 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4031422 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4031423 As a visual joke/comedy, it works perfectly fine ... but it gets too cartoonish to be accepted as something that might even possibly be Reality Adjacent. It takes all the Size Tropes and dials them up to (and past) 11 for a pretty decent bit of visual comedy, but doing so comes at a cost to realism. It's difficult to take that set of four images by IceDev "seriously" (because what is happening is being done for comedic effect), primarily because "human bodies don't work like that" (so what you're looking at is barely human anymore) and realism is forced to "take a hike" and not stick around. The result is deliberately NON-realistic and is done deliberately for comedic effect. Which is FINE ... if you aren't trying to remain Realism Adjacent. But if you ARE trying to remain Realism Adjacent (like Hold and I) are, then going to the extreme demonstrated by IceDev is SEVERAL steps too far along the "bigger and deeper" axis (as I should hope ought to be obvious with this little demonstration). So to put things in perspective here, the way that I (and I think, Hold) think about these things rests on a foundation of not what is strictly "REAL" (per se) ... but rather upon the question of what is "PLAUSIBLE" if you were to take things that far. Even when "going beyond" the realistic limits (vagina, cervix, uterus, for example) to achieve a belly bulge reaching from crotch to rib cage (Type 1) like we do here in GL2, we still try to be mindful of the Realism Adjacent anatomy that ought to be involved inside of Valeriya that you can't see directly. Doing that informs decisions about what it ought to look like, how Valeriya ought to react when it happens, what sort of sound design ought to accompany it when it happens ... and on and on and on. It's not a case of "just do it and be done" but rather an opportunity for immersion and sympathetic feeling (what must that be like for her AND for him?) that is engaging to imagine participating in yourself, rather than just being something you watch like a voyeur from afar in a dispassionate manner. Which is a very long winded way of saying that Hold is already operating close to the threshold of maximum size+depth already, and there isn't a tremendous amount of "wiggle room" to go much further beyond that without consequences/complications. So although it IS possible to actually go bigger/deeper than what is happening here in GL2 (and in fact, Aiva DID go deeper in Monster Tamers 1!), doing so places additional ... constraints ... on the action and the handling of the sex act involved, because there are additional "structural" elements that need to be accounted for in order to do it. For additional information on what those additional constraints and limitations might be, I refer you to this post here on Hold's patreon from almost 9 months ago, which demonstrates the challenges a bit better so you don't just have to take my word for it ... because sometimes, seeing is believing. https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-about-80435236


> If it's a sexy and beautiful concept... I think it's good to create a sexy look with a realistic look. On this point I *completely agree*! ^_^ In fact, if you look at the comments on the earliest posts in this patreon, you'll see that this is actually the argument I started making from the very beginning about 4 years ago now. https://www.patreon.com/posts/first-release-02-32396487 https://www.patreon.com/posts/information-for-32414949 Looking back on those posts I made from 4 years ago, it's a bit surprising to me now just how well they've held up over time and how well Hold and I have been able to adhere to those ideals in our collaborations since then. In case you're interested, Hold created Elf's Quest 1 before I reached out and offered to collaborate on future projects. Everything from Elf's Quest - Prequel onwards I've been able to participate in creating with Hold, and I would like to think that the ideals I posted back 4 years ago now have been carefully woven into every product release that Hold has been making since then. Anybody can do "Poles in Holes" mindless PORN. Hardly anyone is aiming for EROTICA that aims to put arousal, passion, lust, intimacy, loving and DESIRE front and center(!) ... with the "poles in holes" factor being the MEANS to achieving that end, rather than being the END in and of itself. The "Poles in Holes" factor is HOW the drama unfolds ... not the WHY. Sex acts happen for a REASON ... usually story driven and/or for character development and drama ... rather than making sex acts happen "just to make sex happen" in a vacuum without rhyme, reason, purpose or consequences. For me, I prefer it when the depiction of a sex act (in writing, still photos, video, interactive gaming) TELLS YOU something about the people involved in that sex act. What are they feeling, thinking, wanting, etc.? What does the sex act MEAN to them and their relationship to the person they're having sex with? Is there a continuity of story, character development and drama going on here ... or are we just looking at "wham, bam, why are you still here?" pointless mashing of genitals together with a "Are you not entertained?!?" attachment stuck on like an afterthought? I mean, if the participants involved are "just phoning it in" on their engagement with the sex act, what motivation do *I* have as the audience to sympathize with and get immersed in whatever I'm seeing (and hearing) on my screen? Gets even worse when the Heavy Hand Of The Author/Artist is impossible to ignore and the whole thing starts feeling like watching sock puppets pretending. For me, the best sex scenes are the ones that make you feel like they happen in a continuity ... that the participants HAVE LIVES that extend beyond the beginning and after the end of what you get to witness as an audience. Creating sex scenes involving characters who "live on" beyond the confines of the moments you get to watch them doing their thing, because it engages you in a sense of immersion into Their World™ and you can start imagining the lives they must lead and the relationships they must have beyond the mere confines of what you get to see. Just because the photo set or the game or the video ends, doesn't mean that the "lives" of the characters featured within that media ends. The characters "live on" ... in your head ... and you start to fantasize about them and wonder about what it must be like to live like they do ... and the fantasy starts to take root and unfurl in your imagination ... which then makes the audience invested in getting to know those characters and seeing them again. And THAT is something that is kind of rare for 3DX artists to do, it seems. Oh sure, you'll have 3DX artists who have complete boner hardons for specific characters and tropes (game girls being the most common), but usually it's just a lot of isolated "one off" encounters that don't really mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things. There's not much "world building" going on to create a continuity, let alone a plot with potential drama involved. Hold (and I) are trying to rise above that to reach the next level. It's not just PORN we're aiming for, since anyone (and everyone) can do that ... it's EROTICA(!), which remarkably few 3DX artists seem to bother with. Which means that "sexy and beautiful" are the primary drivers for what Hold does, visually. My responsibility is the character development, drama, story and continuity side of things, so the sex acts don't just happen in a vacuum of meaninglessness where "stuff happens" for no readily identifiable purpose (aside from "sex happens, are you not entertained?"). Takes more care and effort to achieve that step up from porn to erotica ... but I prefer to think that Hold's fans and supporters deserve that level of respect for characters (male and female!), higher quality of care and thought process going into creative endeavors from start to finish. I know that *I* certainly prefer the results that come out of doing that! ^_- Hopefully, I'm not alone in that sentiment.


Epic animation, but first "chapter" was better, because of the monster "story" fuck :)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 18:28:52 That might have been the best video I have ever seen, and heard the audio was amazing as always!
2023-12-11 08:36:57


A *LOT* of what went into GL2 here was functionally a technology/technique demonstration, paving the way towards achieving these kinds of animated results in future products created by Hold. First of all, Hold made the transition from Daz to Blender, which means new character model data and rigging, new tools, new opportunities, new limitations ... the lot. When making that transition, Hold realized that basically NONE of the available genital assets were suitable for being scaled up into the size regime needed for Hold's work ... AND ... those genital assets required manual adjustments in every frame to make them "work" together, creating an enormous workload that would be continuously fraught with errors. What was needed was a NEW type of genital assets (male AND female) that could "communicate" with each other in a way that would permit automation of a tremendous amount of the "(re)shape to fit" workflow functions involved in doing a male+female penetration (initial, continuing, etc.) in order to get the workload down to a point that could be managed by a single artist (with some QA review assistance to spot issues). All of that took a tremendous amount of trial, error and iterations before landing on settings and a workflow that was adequate to the needs of being able to create sex act animations in a reasonable time frame. Hold needed to "build the tools" that would make it all possible ... do trial runs with the genital assets (male AND female) and TEST the results to make sure that everything "worked" when integrating it all together. One of the challenges, though, was that if you had the entire body of a male character in these test scenes, the ... opacity ... of his body would block the camera angles and views needed to verify that all of the details, parts and pieces that had been assembled were Working Properly™ (in addition to Working As Intended). There needed to be a LOT of validation and verification work (months and months of it, on top of the year of basic research needed to just build the assets, settings and workflows!) that required CLEAR views and visualization of nearly all aspects of what the genital assets (male AND female) were doing when in contact. To give you an idea of just how ... thorough ... this effort was, I kept asking Hold for views of what was happening INSIDE Valeriya in order to verify and validate that the pathing being used for where the male genital asset "went" inside of her "made sense" and wasn't treated as an afterthought (go straight, never mind the female body, just go straight, it's disappearing into Hammerspace™ anyway and the female body is "empty" on the inside with no internal geometry and will never be seen from the outside, so who cares, right?). Except that taking such an oversimplified LAZY approach (which a lot of other 3DX artists do because it's quick/easy/dirty) means that the male genital asset WILL BEND INCORRECTLY at the point of contact with the exterior of the female genital asset, along with numerous other continuity/object permanence details that ought to be involved. The real kicker is that if you set up the pathing into the female body CORRECTLY (as opposed to stupidly or lazily), you can use that positioning inside the female body to control how the abdominal bulge ought to be shaped and located! Sort of an "inverse kinematics for bulges" kind of deal, rather than trying to do everything manually (all over again), increasing the automation of the model assets and reducing the workload on the artist. ALL of that took time, effort, experimentation and lots and lots of iterations to get everything dialed in and working ... and in order to do it, we (both Hold and I) needed to be able to SEE what was going on (and why) in order to fine tune the dynamics so that it all worked properly and "looked right" when put into motion in an animation. About 9 months ago (or so), Hold had reached the point where the genital assets, character models, rigging, etc. had been advanced sufficiently that the next step was to begin working on fully rendered animation clips to test the entire process from end to end and verify the results. Hold started making these "sex toy on a piston" test animation clips as the next step in the iterative process of verifying and validating all of the work that Hold had been doing for the past year. After critiquing a few of these clips (which were NOT made in the order sequence seen in the final release product, if anyone is curious), I started seeing the possibility for a story in what was happening with Valeriya in these. Hold encouraged me to come up with a continuity and story reason for why Valeriya was doing this to herself ... which I did ... and then that pointed in the direction of what other poses and animations would be needed to round out that storyline behind what Valeriya was putting herself through in these animations ... and now some 9 months later (hmmm, gestation time duration?) after those first complete renders were done, we've got a full animation product for release. So although GL2 features "just a toy" compared to GL1 that featured "a very MALE Monster!" ... everything that you're seeing in GL2 is both a proving ground and a stepping stone towards being able to create visual renders of sex acts in both single frame images and in animations involving full body "live" sex partners and lovers. Yes, when you watch GL2 you "see and hear a (mere) machine" having sex with Valeriya (and Valeriya having her way with "him"!) ... but it's also extremely EASY to visualize and imagine what it would be like if that sex toy were attached to a Real Live MALE who was having sex with Valeriya in all three of these positions in the animation. Hold and I (and Lerico213 as our unfairly talented Sound Designer) went to great lengths to SIMULATE how the genital assets would "work together" (key point: together!) such that if we replaced the sex toy with a Monster, there would need to be almost NO CHANGE in the behavior of the genital assets ... you would just simply add the obscuring male model (rest of the) body into the scene(s), blocking some of the details that you can easily get line of sight on from the camera with the sex toy substitute. I don't want to spoil the surprise, so I'll let Hold make the announcement, but the next release will NOT be featuring "a mere sex toy" again. ^_~


I'm excessively proud of what we were able to achieve in this video. *^_^* I also know (because I asked) that Lerico213 is similarly pleased by the results (both audio and video). Without breaking any confidences, let's just be modest and say that "some superlatives" were used (without prompting!) regarding the final master edit cut and leave it at that, shall we? ^_~ For me, perhaps the most inspiring thing that I get out of watching these 13:24 seconds of run time is that it demonstrates that Hold, myself and Lerico213 have "cleared the hurdles" we needed to for being able to produce animations at this level of quality and refinement going forward in future releases. THE FIRST STEP has been taken ... and Hold is only going to get better from here! I would also be remiss if I did not include CinderDryad and her excellent voice foley work and the character and quality she put into the recordings for Valeriya's "mental voice" that offers key insights and immersion into what Valeriya is thinking and feeling. Fantastic job by everyone involved in bringing this project to completion!

Jason D the huggie

Puking circumcise that’s just not comming out