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So, I completely figured out how to port a characters from Daz to Blender.

I can send any character from Daz and it will match 1 in 1 with the Daz model.
This means that now I can make animations, dozens of times faster and better.
The functionality is hundreds of times better and works as it should, unlike Daz.
Also, one static frame is rendered for 15-60 sec, while in Daz(Iray) for 10-15 min.

Of course, the first few months I will not be able to do something faster because I continue to understand the interface and functionality of Blender. But all this gives good prospects.

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This is such momentously good news as to make males of all species with growing erections weep. I for one EAGERLY look forward to future releases with animations in them. Interesting little side note one the beautiful animation of Aiva linked above. I downloaded the full video from MEGA, tossed it into my web browser, put it on loop and set it for x0.5 speed on the frame rate. When slowed down, the movement of her body looks a lot better (mass, weight, inertia) lending Aiva a stronger sense of "presence" and reality. The only flaw with doing that was that at x0.5 speed the movement of her eyebrows and the blinking of her eyes became too slow. Other than that very minor bit of critique, Aiva looks ... good enough to eat ... I also love the way that her facial expressions shift so subtly as the animation progresses with the lip compression (among other shifting elements). It gives you the feeling that you're looking AT A PERSON who is THINKING ... rather than simply looking at a prop shaped like a female (elf) being posed for the camera. VERY WELL DONE there Hold. More please ... I would also like to think that your other patreons will join me in welcoming your plan to research the tools available to you in the Blender environment, even if that means we need to wait a while longer before your next release. I don't know about anyone else, but I know that I personally wouldn't mind seeing future DLC releases for Elf's Quest of animations that could be slotted into the already released photosets. One of those "couldn't do it before, but can do it now" kinds of things as your proficiency with Blender increases. Likewise, I can imagine how much fun it would be to animate sections of Galactic Limit and Violet Chooses ... someday. So please ... take your time mastering your new toys in Blender so that we can all be proud of and eager to obtain your next original production release, because QUALITY sells itself.


>>I downloaded the full video from MEGA, tossed it into my web browser, put it on loop and set it for x0.5 speed on the frame rate. Yes, I'm not quite sure about the time. The fact is that the preview works at 15-20 fps when the final animation is at 30 fps. Of course, I was looking at drafts at 30 fps, but I didn't notice the difference anymore. I think this in itself will be fixed with the increase in animation skills.


Point I wanted to make was that the body movement worked better when slowed, but the facial movements work best when at full speed. So ideally, rather than running the animation at 15-20 fps, I'm thinking that adding in frames would be better. That way you have 480 frames at 30 fps for 16 seconds of animation, instead you have 960 frames at 30 fps for 32 seconds (for example). So for a finished animation you just add more in-between frames to slow the movement and increase the number of frames to render.