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The new Image Set will be released when it is ready.
Now 46/100 images are ready.

P.S. In the pictures, the environment that I made myself may be involved in the "Elf's Quest" series




Is it just me ... or is Sara looking a lot more ... BUTCH ... (and determined) than she did in either Elf's Quest or the Prequel. Before, she always looked like the "girly girl" who had little to no business being an adventurer (because she might chip a nail or something). In other words, she's always had a sort of Sheltered Innocence™ around her. These two images give Sara ATTITUDE(!) ... and it's really good to see! She most certainly does NOT look in any way, shape or form "helpless" in the situation she's finding herself in. She is not a Level 1 Newb with no experience(s) at adventuring. Everything about her says that "she's seen some shit" (and given that she lives in Hold World has probably been fucking a LOT of really HUGE cocks and isn't Little Miss Innocent™ elf girl anymore!). Also, is it just me ... or have her breasts gotten BIGGER under that sexy black dress? Don't get me wrong, that slinky/sultry black dress looks FANTASTIC on Sara! I also find it interesting that she's not wearing her chains anymore, that she was wearing in both Elf's Quest sets. Kind of makes me wonder what happened to them (and why) ...


Yes, she looks like this because of the pose and emotion I gave her. About the breast, I changed them, but this is not the final version. I go back to the characters from time to time and try to make small changes to make them better (in my opinion). And the dress is just one of the outfits from my library. These images are not linked to the "Elf's Quest" series, and now Sara is just "girly girl", but this can be changed in other Image Sets or not)) True, the period of creating Image Sets is critically long, I want to change this, but I don't know how yet


As usual IBT at it again with the mind-reading skills… IBT: comments. Me: “Copy that!” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sara looks awesome in that dress!!! For some reason the environment reminds me of Subnautica (the alien temples). Looks quite interesting. About Sara’s new breasts well… I don’t know yet. Need to get a better look at them… maybe the dress mysteriously vanishes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).


Personally I like this new version of Sara better.